In each of the following question, a statement is given which is followed by two arguments. You are required to assess the given statement and then decide which of the given argument is strong in the statement and choose the same from the given alternatives.

1. Statement: Should our government reduce the number of holidays of its employees?

Arguments:   I.   Yes, our government employees are having maximum number of holidays all over the world.
       II.  Yes, It will increase the productivity of government offices.

  A.  if only argument I is strong.
  B.  if only argument II is strong.
  C.  if either I or II is strong.
  D.  if neither I nor II is strong.
  E.  if both I and II are strong.
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It is clear from the given statement that comparing our system with other countries is no strong criteria for taking a decsionon the issue. So, argument I does not hold. Also, reducing the number of holidays implies more working hours which will surely increase productivity. Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

2. Statement: Should small and medium enterprise be encouraged in India?

Arguments:   I.   Yes, they will help in industrial development of India.
       II.  Yes, they will help in employement generation in India.

  A.  if only assumption I is strong.
  B.  if only assumption II is strong.
  C.  if either I or II is strong.
  D.  if neither I nor II is strong.
  E.  if both I and II are strong.
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It is clear from the statement that encouraging small and medium enterprises will definately help in industrial development of the country. It will also create more job opportunities. So, both I and II are strong. Hence, option (E) is the correct answer.

3. Statement: Should taxes on air conditioner be further increased?

Arguments:   I.    Yes, air conditioner is a luxury item and only rich people afford them.
       II.  No, air conditioner are bought by the poor too.

  A.  if only assumption I is strong.
  B.  if only assumption II is strong.
  C.  if either I or II is strong.
  D.  if neither I nor II is strong.
  E.  if both I and II are strong.
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It is clear that taxes on air conditioner can't be increased or decreased on the basis of the financial position of buyer. So, both arguments I and II do not hold strong. Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

4. Statement: Should there be reservation on communal basis in private sector?

Arguments:   I.    Yes, it will check most of the inter-communal biases.
       II.  No, India is a secular state.

  A.  if only assumption I is strong.
  B.  if only assumption II is strong.
  C.  if either I or II is strong.
  D.  if neither I nor II is strong.
  E.  if both I and II are strong.
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Reservations on communal basis will increase inter-communal biases instead of checking it. So, argument I is not strong. Further, it will be against the secular policy according to which no communal group is given preference over the others. So, only II is strong. Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

5. Statement: Should school education upto 8th class made free in India?.

Arguments:   I.    yes, it is the only way to improve the level of literacy.
       II.  No, it would add heavy burden on the government.

  A.  if only assumption I is strong.
  B.  if only assumption II is strong.
  C.  if either I or II is strong.
  D.  if neither I nor II is strong.
  E.  if both I and II are strong.
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By making free education upto 8th class can't ensure full literacy. So, argument I is not strong. Also, such a step would requre a huge fund for providing the necessary facilities to all institutions and lead to financial drain. So, II is strong. Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

6. Statement: Should there be a ban on product advertising?

Arguments:   I.    No, it is an age of advertising. Unless your advertisement is better than other competitors, the product will not be sold.
        II.  Yes, the money spent on advertising is very huge and it inflates the cost of the product.

  A.  if only assumption I is strong.
  B.  if only assumption II is strong.
  C.  if either I or II is strong.
  D.  if neither I nor II is strong.
  E.  if both I and II are strong.
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It is clear from the given statement that advertisement makes the customer aware of the qualities of the product and leads him to buy it. So, argument I is strong. Further, the advertising is also a costly affair and expenses on it lead to increased price of the product. So, argument II is also strong. Hence, option (E) is the correct answer.

7. Statement: Should we scrap 'Public Distribution System (PDS)' in India?

Arguments:   I.   Yes, everyone should earn and get the bread on his/her own.
       II.  Yes, the poor do not get any benefit by PDS because of corruption.

  A.  if only assumption I is strong.
  B.  if only assumption II is strong.
  C.  if either I or II is strong.
  D.  if neither I nor II is strong.
  E.  if both I and II are strong.
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The Public Distribution System provides the basic amenities to the economically backward sections of population. So, argument I is not strong. Also, if the objectives of PDS are not fulfilled beacuse of corruption, then getting rid of the system is no solution. Instead, efforts should be made to abolish the corruption. So, argument II is not strong also. Hence, option (D) is the correct answer.

8. Statement: Can pollution be controlled in India?

Arguments:   I.   Yes, if everyone realises the hazard of pollution and co-operates to get rid of it.
          II.  No, the vehicles, factories and industries and an every growing population are responsible for pollution.

  A.  if only assumption I is strong.
  B.  if only assumption II is strong.
  C.  if either I or II is strong.
  D.  if neither I nor II is strong.
  E.  if both I and II are strong.
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From the given statement, it is clear that the control of population seems to be impossilbe because of the ever growing needs and the disconcern of the people but, on the other hand, the control is possible by joint effort. So, either of the arguments will hold strong. Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.

9. Statement: Should UNO be dissolved now?

Arguments:   I.   Yes, cold war has come to an end and such organisations have no role to play.
       II.  No, in the absence of such organisations there may be be a world war..

  A.  if only assumption I is strong.
  B.  if only assumption II is strong.
  C.  if either I or II is strong.
  D.  if neither I nor II is strong.
  E.  if both I and II are strong.
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UNO was established to maintain peace all over world and will serve to prevent conflicts between countries. So, its role will never end. So, argument I is not strong. Also, due to absence of UNO, mutual conflicts and international wars may increase in future. So, argument II is strong. Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

10. Statement: Should the government start sex education in schools?

Arguments:   I.    Yes, all developing countries have started it.
       II.  No, we can't start it in co-ed schools.

  A.  if only assumption I is strong.
  B.  if only assumption II is strong.
  C.  if either I or II is strong.
  D.  if neither I nor II is strong.
  E.  if both I and II are strong.
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We can't start sex education in school on the pretext that it is followed in other countries because every country has its own environment and situations. So, argument I is not strong. Also, giving sex education in co-ed schools would spoil the atmosphere of school. So, argument II is strong. Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

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