1. Three partners A, B and C invest Rs 1600, Rs 1800 and Rs 2300 respectively in business. How should they divide a profit of Rs 1938?
  A.   A's share = Rs 544; B's share = Rs 612; C's share = Rs 782
  B.  A's share = Rs 612; B's share = Rs 544; C's share = Rs 782
  C.  A's share = Rs 544; B's share = Rs 782; C's share = Rs 612
  D.  A's share = Rs 444; B's share = Rs 512; C's share = Rs 682
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The profit should be divided in the ratios of the capital invested, ie 16:18:23 NOw, 16+18+23 = 57 A's share =
16 / 57
x 1938 = Rs 544 B's share =
18 / 57
x 1938 = Rs 612 C's share =
23 / 57
x 1938 = Rs 782

2. A, B and C enter into partnership. A advances Rs 1200 for 4 months, B Rs 1400 for 8 months, and C Rs 1000 for 10 months. They gain Rs 585 altogether, find the share of each.
  A.  A's share = Rs 225; B's share = Rs 252; C's share = Rs 108
  B.  A's share = Rs 252; B's share = Rs 108; C's share = Rs 225
  C.  A's share = Rs 108; B's share = Rs 252; C's share = Rs 225
  D.  None of the above
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Rs 1200 for 4 months earns as much profit as Rs 1200 x 4 or Rs 4800 in 1 month, Rs 1400 in 8 months earns as much profit as Rs 1400 x 8 or Rs 11200 in 1 month Rs 10000 in 10 months earns as much profit as Rs 1000 x 10 or Rs 10,000 in 1 month Therefore, the profit should be divided in the ratio of 4800, 11200 and 10000 ie in the ratios of 12,28 and 25 Now, 12 + 28 + 25 = 65 A's share =
12 / 65
x 585 = Rs 108 B's share =
28 / 65
x 585 = Rs 252 C's share =
25 / 65
x 585 = Rs 225

3. A starts a business with Rs 2,000. B joins him after 3 months with Rs 4,000. C puts a sum of Rs 10,000 in the business for 2 months only. At the end of the year the business gave a profit of Rs 5,600. How should the profit be divided among them?
  A.  A's share = Rs 1680; B's share = Rs 2220; C's share = Rs 1500
  B.  A's share = Rs 1580; B's share = Rs 2420; C's share = Rs 1400
  C.  A's share = Rs 2520; B's share = Rs 1400; C's share = Rs 1680
  D.  A's share = Rs 1680; B's share = Rs 2520; C's share = Rs 1400
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Ratio of their profits (A:B:C) = 2x12 : 4x9 : 10x2 = 6:9:5 Now, 6+9+5=20 Then A's share =
5600 / 20
x 6 = Rs 1680 B's share =
5600 / 20
x 9 = Rs 2520 C's share =
5600 / 20
x 5 = Rs 1400

4. A and B enter into a speculation. A puts in Rs 50 and B puts in Rs 45. At the end of 4 months A & B withdraws half his capital and C enters with a capital of Rs 70. At the end of 12 months, in what ratio will the profit be divided?
  A.  81 : 82 : 84
  B.  82 : 81 : 84
  C.  82 : 80 : 82
  D.  None of the above
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A's share : B's share : C's share = 50x4 +
50 / 2
x8: 45x6+
45 / 2
x6 : 70 x 6 = 400 : 405 : 420 = 80 : 81 : 84 ∴ their profits will be divided in the ratio of 80 : 81 : 84 The formula for compound partnership can also be written as
A's capital x A's time in partnership / B's capital x B's time in partnership
A's profit / B's profit

5. Three friends A, B and C started a business by investing a sum of money in the ratio of 5 : 7 : 6. After 6 months C withdraws half of his capital. If the sum invested by 'A' is Rs 40,000, out of a toal annual profit of Rs 33,000 C's share will be.
  A.  Rs 9,000
  B.  Rs 9,500
  C.  Rs 9,100
  D.  Rs 8,900
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Sum invested by A, B and C is in the ratio of 5x12 : 7x12 : 6x6 + 3x6 or 60 : 84 : 54 or 10 : 14 : 9 ∴ C's share =
9 / 33
x 33000 = Rs 9,000

6. Ravi started a business, investing Rs 25000 in 1996. In 1997 he invested an additional amount of Rs 10000 and Deepak joined him with an amount of Rs 35000. In 1998, Ravi invested another additional amount of Rs 10000 and Sandeep joined them with an amount of Rs 35000. What will be Deepak's share in the profit of Rs 150000 earned at the end of three years from the start of the business in 1996?
  A.  Rs 40000
  B.  Rs 45000
  C.  Rs 50000
  D.  Rs 55000
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Ratio of their investments = 25000 x 1 + 35000 x 1 + 45000 x 1 : 35000x2 : 35000 x 1 = 3:2:1 Deepak's share =
2 / 6
x 1,50,000 = Rs 50,000

7. A, B and C enter into a partnership. A invests Rs 4000 for the whole year, B puts in Rs 6000 at the first and increasing to Rs 8000 at the end of 4 months, whilst C puts in at first Rs 8000 but withdraw Rs 2000 at the end of 9 months. Find the profit of A at the end of year, if the total profit is Rs 16950.
  A.  Rs 4600
  B.  Rs 3600
  C.  Rs 3500
  D.  Rs 3200
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A's investment for 12 months = Rs 4000 x 12 = Rs 48000 B's investment for (Rs 6000 for 4 months and Rs 8000 for 8 months) = Rs 6000 x 4 + Rs 8000x8 ) = Rs 88000 C's investment for (Rs 8000 for 9 months and Rs 6000 for 3 months) = Rs 8000 x 9 + Rs 6000x3 ) = Rs 90000 Ratio of their incomes = A:B:C = 48000:88000:90000 = 48:88:90 = 24:44:45

8. A, B and C go into a business as partners and collect a profit of Rs 1000. If A's capital : B's capital = 2 : 3 and B's capital : C's capital = 2 : 5, find the share of the profit which goes to C.
  A.  Rs 650
  B.  Rs 800
  C.  Rs 500
  D.  Rs 600
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A's capital: B's capital=2:3 Also, B's capital : C's capital = 2:5 = 1 :
5 / 2
= 3 :
15 / 2
∴ A's capital:B's capital: C's capital = 2:3:
15 / 2
= 4:6:15 Since 4+6+5 = 25 ∴ A's share of the profit =
4 / 25
x Rs 1000 = Rs 160 B's share of the profit =
6 / 25
x Rs 1000 = Rs 240 C's share of the profit =
15 / 25
x Rs 1000 = Rs 600

9. Ajit is a working and Biru a sleeping partner in a business. Ajit puts in Rs 5000 and Biru puts in Rs 6000. Ajit receives 12
1 / 2
% of the profits for managing the business, and the rest is divided in proportion to their capitals. What does each get out of a profit of Rs 880?
  A.  Ajit's share = Rs 460; Biru's share = Rs 420
  B.  Ajit's share = Rs 420; Biru's share = Rs 460
  C.  Ajit's share = Rs 450; Biru's share = Rs 400
  D.  Ajit's share = Rs 460; Biru's share = Rs 410
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The amount which A receives for managing = 12
1 / 2
% of Rs 880 =
1 / 8
of Rs 880 = Rs 110 The amount left to be divided in the ratio of 5:6 = Rs 880 - Rs 110 = Rs 770 Now, A's share =
5 / 11
x 770 = Rs 350 Now, B's share =
6 / 11
x 770 = Rs 420

10. A and B entered into partnership with Rs 700 and Rs 600 respectively. After 3 months A withdrew
2 / 7
of his stock but after 3 months more he put back
3 / 5
of what he had withdrawn. The profits at the end of the year are Rs 726, how much of this should A receive?
  A.  Rs 360
  B.  Rs 356
  C.  Rs 366
  D.  Rs 376
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Ratio of profits of A and B are A's profit: B's profit = 700 x 3 + 500 x 3 + 620 x 6 : 600 x 12 = 2100 + 1500 + 3720 : 7200 = 7320 : 7200 = 61 : 60 ∴ A's share in profit =
726 / 60+61
x 61 =
726 / 121
x 61 = 6 x 61= Rs 366

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