In each of the following question, a statement is given which is followed by two assumptions. You are required to assess the given statement and then decide which of the given assumption is implicit in the statement and choose the same from the given alternatives.

1. Statement: It is desirable to put the child in school at the age of 5 or so.

Assumptions:   I.    At that age the child reaches appropriate level of developmnet and is ready to learn.
          II.  The schools do not admit children after 6 years of age in Nursery class.

  A.  if only assumption I is implicit.
  B.  if only assumption II is implicit.
  C.  if either I or II is implicit.
  D.  if neither I nor II is implicit.
  E.  if both I and II are implicit.
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The given statement is talking about putting the child in the school at the age of 5 so its mean that the child is mentally ready for study at this age. Therefore, assumption I is implicit. But, there is nothing mentioned in the statement about admission after six years of age, so assumption II is not implicit. Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.

2. Statement: You must clear all the payment due to our suppliers within 3 working days.

Assumptions:   I.    You will always have necessary funds in our account to clear the bills.
          II.  You are capable of clearing the bills in less than 3 working days.

  A.  if only assumption I is implicit.
  B.  if only assumption II is implicit.
  C.  if either I or II is implicit.
  D.  if neither I nor II is implicit.
  E.  if both I and II are implicit.
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The given statement is telling about making the all payments within 3 working days, it is proved that the company has sufficient funds and the bills can be verified and cleared within the stipulated time. So, both I and II are implicit. Hence, option (E) is the correct answer.

3. Statement: "If you want to give hotel advertisement, give it in tourism magazine." Amit tells Bhoomi.

Assumptions:   I.    Bhoomi wants to publicise her hotel.
          II.  Tourism magazine has a wide circulation.

  A.  if only assumption I is implicit.
  B.  if only assumption II is implicit.
  C.  if either I or II is implicit.
  D.  if neither I nor II is implicit.
  E.  if both I and II are implicit.
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In the given statement the word 'If' depicts that Bhoomi may or may not want to publicise her hotel. So, I is not implicit. It is advised that advertisements be given in tourism magazine. This means that tourism magazine has wider circulation. So, II is implicit. Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

4. Statement: Sumit made an application to the bank for a loan of Rs 2 Lakh by mortgaging his house to the bank and promised to repay it within five years.

Assumptions:   I.    The bank has practice of granting loans for Rs 2 lakh and above.
          II.  The bank accepts house as collateral security against such loans.

  A.  if only assumption I is implicit.
  B.  if only assumption II is implicit.
  C.  if either I or II is implicit.
  D.  if neither I nor II is implicit.
  E.  if both I and II are implicit.
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The statement says that Sumit has applied for a loan of Rs 2 Lakh, it means that the bank can grant a loan above Rs 2 Lakh. So, I is implicit. II also follows directly from the statement and it is also implicit. Hence, option (E) is the correct answer.

5. Statement: "If you bother him, he will slap you." - A father warns his boy.

Assumptions:   I.    With the warning, the boy may stop bothering him.
          II.  All boys are basically naughty.

  A.  if only assumption I is implicit.
  B.  if only assumption II is implicit.
  C.  if either I or II is implicit.
  D.  if neither I nor II is implicit.
  E.  if both I and II are implicit.
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The father warns his boy with the expectation that he would stop bothering him. So, I is implicit. The general nature of boys can't be derived from that statement. So, II is not implicit. Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.

6. Statement: The first step in treating addicts is to re-establish their lost ties, for which a continuous personal attention should be paid to the addicts under treatment.

Assumptions:   I.    Addicts under treatment respond better when shown personal interest.
          II.  Addiction and strained relationships are intimately connected.

  A.  if only assumption I is implicit.
  B.  if only assumption II is implicit.
  C.  if either I or II is implicit.
  D.  if neither I nor II is implicit.
  E.  if both I and II are implicit.
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It is clear from the given statement that the treatment of addiction required personal attention asthe first step. So, I is implicit. Also, since intimacy and personal attention are required to treat addicts, it implies that addiction arises out of frustration due to strained relationships. So, II is also implicit. Hence, option (E) is the correct answer.

7. Statement: The government has decided to reduce the custom duty on computer peripherals.

Assumptions:   I.   The domestic market price of computer peripherals may go up in near future.
          II.  The domestic manufacturers may oppose the decision.

  A.  if only assumption I is implicit.
  B.  if only assumption II is implicit.
  C.  if either I or II is implicit.
  D.  if neither I nor II is implicit.
  E.  if both I and II are implicit.
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Since bothe the assumptions do not follow from the statement, so neither I nor II is implicit. Hence, option (D) is the correct answer.

8. Statement: Such a lucid book was never before available on this topic.

Assumptions:   I.    Some other books were available on this topic.
          II.  You can write lucid books on very few topics.

  A.  if only assumption I is implicit.
  B.  if only assumption II is implicit.
  C.  if either I or II is implicit.
  D.  if neither I nor II is implicit.
  E.  if both I and II are implicit.
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From the given statement, it is clear that books on this topic were available before also but they were not 'lucid'. So, I is implicit. But a general comment as II cannot be made from the given statement. So, II is not implicit. Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.

9. Statement: The auto services in the city has virtually collapsed because of the ongoing strike of drivers.

Assumptions:   I.   Going on strikes has become the right of every driver .
          II.  People no more require the services of auto operators.

  A.  if only assumption I is implicit.
  B.  if only assumption II is implicit.
  C.  if either I or II is implicit.
  D.  if neither I nor II is implicit.
  E.  if both I and II are implicit.
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Since both the assumptions do not follow from the given statement, so neither I nor II is implicit. Hence, option (D) is the correct answer.

10. Statement: The office building needs urgent repairing just as internal as well as external white-washing.

Assumptions:   I.    Efficiency of people in the office can't be improved unless its building is repaired.
          II.  Repairing and painting of office building require funds.

  A.  if only assumption I is implicit.
  B.  if only assumption II is implicit.
  C.  if either I or II is implicit.
  D.  if neither I nor II is implicit.
  E.  if both I and II are implicit.
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Since both the assumptions do not follow from the given statement, so neither I nor II is implicit. Hence, option (D) is the correct answer.

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