1. 47.932 + 56 + 97.168 − 67 − 78.3 − 22.7
  A.  35.1
  B.  33.1
  C.  32.1
  D.  31.1
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47.932 + 56 + 97.168 - 67 - 78.3 - 22.7
(47.932 + 56 + 97.168) - (67 + 78.3 + 22.7)
i.e. 201.1 - 168.0

2. 59.67 − 42.83 + 61.73 + 5.89 + 0.093
  A.  85.554
  B.  83.543
  C.  84.553
  D.  81.443
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 Keep all +ve sign digits all together, and -ve all together
i.e (59.67 + 61.73 + 5.89 + 0.093) - 42.83
127.383 - 42.83
84.553 (Ans)
Adding all:-
59.670 61.730 05.890 00.093 ------------ 127.383 ------------

3. 5.838 + 6.929 + 7.001 + 8.9 + 10.987
  A.  39.655
  B.  38.565
  C.  37.655
  D.  40.755
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 Adding all:- 
05.838 06.929 07.001 08.900 10.987 ------------ 39.655 ------------

4. 4789300 x 11
  A.  52682500
  B.  63627300
  C.  61583200
  D.  52682300
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 On adding the following :-
4789300 x 10 = 47893000
4789300 x 1 = 4789300
-------------------------------- = 52682300 --------------------------------

5. 458963 x 12
  A.  5507656
  B.  5507556
  C.  5607756
  D.  5607566
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On adding the following:- 
458963 x 10 = 4589630
458963 x 2 = 917926
-------------------------------- = 5507556 --------------------------------

6. 444258 x 15
  A.  6663870
  B.  665770
  C.  6664860
  D.  6763870
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On adding the following:- 
444258 x 10 = 4442580
444258 x 5 = 2221290
-------------------------------- = 6663870 --------------------------------

7. 1258634 x 9
  A.  12336706
  B.  11327606
  C.  11337806
  D.  11327706
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On Substracting 2nd from 1st:- 
1258634 x 10 = 12586340 ---------------1st
1258634 x 1 = 1258634 ---------------2nd
-------------------------------- = 11327706 --------------------------------

8. 0.8239 + 0.762 + 0.02 + 5.26
  A.  6.9659
  B.  6.8659
  C.  6.8749
  D.  7.8849
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First keep the dot below one another and then adding all:- 
0.8239 0.7620 0.0200 5.2600 -------- 6.8959 --------

9. Find the value of p, if   15.9273 − p = 11.0049
  A.  26.9322
  B.  4.8224
  C.  26.9322
  D.  4.9224
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First keep the digits one side (Left) while alphabet (p) on another side (Right) :-
(Change the sign +/-, on moving the digits or alphabet)
15.9273 - 11.0049 = p
i.e. p = 15.9273 - 11.0049
Now subtract the 2nd from 1st
15.9273 ----------- 1st 11.0049 ----------- 2nd -------- 4.9224 --------

10. Find the value of q, if 172.23 − q = 63.83 + 22
  A.  257.06
  B.  81.40
  C.  86.4
  D.  258.06
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First keep the digits one side (Left) while alphabet (q) on another side (Right) :-
(Change the sign +/-, on moving the digits or alphabet)
172.23 - 63.83 - 22 = q
i.e. q = 172.23 - 63.83 - 22
q = 172.23 - (63.83 + 22.00)
q = 172.23 - 85.83
q = 86.40

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