In each of the following questions, the real alphabets in a word are replaced by certain other alphabets according to a speciific rule to form its code. You are required to detect the common rule and choose the correct alternative.

1. In a certain code, SIKKIM is written as THLJJL. How is TRAINING written in that code?

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The letters in SIKKIM are moving alternately one step forward and one step backward to get the code.Similary, applying this method in TRAINING we will get UQBHOHOF. Hence, option (D) is the correct answer.


2. In a certain code MENTION is written as LNEITNO. How is PATTERN written in that code?

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The first letter of MENTION is moving one step backward and the each next two letter are interchanging their position in order to get the code.
M [EN] [TI] [ON]
L [NE] [IT] [NO]
Similary, applying this method to PATTERN, we will get, OTAETNR. Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.

3. In a certain code, FORGE is written as FPTJI. How is CULPRIT written in that code?
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The first letter of FORGE remains same and the second , third, fourth and fifth letters are moving one, two, three and four steps forward respectively to get the code.
F +0 step - F
O +1 step - P
R +2 step - T
G +3 step - J
E +4 step - I
Similary, applying the same method in CULPRIT, we get:
C +0 step - C
U +1 step - V
L +2 step - N
P +3 step - S
R +4 step - V
I +5 step - N
T +6 step - Z
Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

4. If in a certain code, ALTERED is written as ZOGVIVW, then in the same code RELATED would be written as:

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Each letter of ALTERED is replaced by the letter which occupies the same postion after reverseing the English alphabet, to get the code.
A (1st letter of English alphabet) - Z (First letter of English alphabet in reverse order)
L (12th letter of English alphabet) - O (12th letter of English alphabet in reverse order)
T (20th letter of English alphabet) - G (20th letter of English alphabet in reverse order)
E (5th letter of English alphabet) - V (5th letter of English alphabet in reverse order)
R (18th letter of English alphabet) - I (5th letter of English alphabet in reverse order)
E (5th letter of English alphabet) - V (5th letter of English alphabet in reverse order)
D (4th letter of English alphabet) - W (4th letter of English alphabet in reverse order)
Similary, applying the same method, to RELATED, we will get IVOZGVW. Option (A) is the correct answer.

5. In a certain code, COMPUTER is written as RFUVQNPC. How the MEDICINE written in the same code?
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The letters in COMPUTER are to be written in reverse order and each letter, except the first and the last one, is moving one step forward to get the code.

C (going at last in code) R
O (+1 step and going to second last (7th) in the code) F
M (+1 step and going to 6th place in the code) U
P (+1 step and going to 5th place in the code) V
U (+1 step and going to 4th place in the code) Q
T (+1 step and going to 3rd place in the code) N
E (+1 step and going to 2nd place in the code) P
R (going in the 1st place in the code) C

Applying same method in MEDICINE, we get EOJDJEFM Code. Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

6. If VICTORY is coded as YLFWRUB, how can SUCCESS be coded?

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Each letter of the word is moving three steps forward to get the code.

V (+3steps) Y
I (+3steps) L
C (+3steps) F
T (+3steps W
O (+3steps) R
R (+3steps) U
Y (+3steps) B

Applying same method to SUCCESS, we get VXFFHVV code.Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.

7. If in a certain language, COUNSEL is coded as BITIRAK, how is GUIDANCE written in that code?

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The letters at odd positions are each moving one step backward, while the letters at even positions are respectively moving six, five, four, three, two, ... steps backward to get the corresponding letters of the code.

C (at 1st place, odd no., 1step backward) B
O (at 2nd place, even no., 6step backward) I
U (at 3rd place, odd no., 1step backward) T
N (at 4th place, even no., 5step backward) I
S (at 5th place, odd no., 1step backward) R
E (at 6th place, even no., 4step backward) A
L (at 7th place, odd no., 1step backward) K
Applying same method in GUIDANCE, we get, FOHYZJBB. Hence, option (D) is the correct answer.

8. IF CIGARETTE is coded as GICERAETT, then DIRECTION will be coded as:
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The word is divided into groups of three letters each and then the letters in each group are written in a reverse order to get the code.
Applying same method to DIRECTION, we get, RIDTCENOI. Hence, option (B) is the correct answer.

9. In a certain code, SUBSTITUTION is written as ITSBUSNOITUT. How is DISTRIBUTION written in that code?

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First, the first six letters and then the last six letters are written in a reverse order to get the code.
Similary, [DISTRIBUTION] ----------- [IRTSID][NOITUB]
Hence, option (A) is the correct answer.

10. If CONTRIBUTE is written as ETBUIRNTOC, which letter will be in the sixth place when counted form the left if POPULARISE is written in that code?

  A.  U
  B.  P
  C.  L
  D.  A
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The letters of the word are written in a reverse order and then the letters of the second and fourth pairs from the end of the word so formed are reversed in order,to obtain the code.
CONTRIBUTE --------- ETUBIRTNOC (First reversed all letters)--------TN(2nd pair)---------------- UB(4th pair)-------NT(Reversed 2nd pair)----- BU (Reversed 4th pair), we get code, ETBUIRNTOC. Similary, applying same to, POPULARISE, we get,'L' at sixth place from left side. Hence, option (C) is the correct answer.

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