In each of the following questions, a passage is broken down into six sentences. The first and last sentence are given while the middle four sentences have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled as P, Q, R and S. Choose the correct order of four sentences.

1. X1:An intelligent man treats victory and defeat alike in the game.
P: It develops the habit of accepting defeats in him and he lives a happy life.
Q: But he tries for victory with great hardwork and energy.
R: If he is defeated, he accepts the defeat calmly.
S: He does not become nervous at small things.
X2: While a foolish man always remain jelaous and hostile of others
The correct order of sentences would be:

  A.  SRQP
  B.  RPSQ
  C.  PQRS
  D.  RQSP
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An intelligent man treats victory and defeat alike in the game. If he is defeated, he accepts the defeat calmly. It develops the habit of accepting defeats in him and he lives a happy life. He does not become nervous at small things. But he tries for victory with great hardwork and energy. While a foolish man always remain jelaous and hostile of others.

2. X1: There is a saying "Health is Wealth".
P: Games and sports are a necessary of education.
Q: Games and sports teach us how to become an important and useful person in the society.
R: We have to follow the rules of game to serve the society.
S: Education teaches us how to live properly in the society.
X2: They develop the spirit of discipline in everyone's life.
The correct order of sentences would be:

  A.  PQRS
  B.  SQRP
  C.  QPSR
  D.  SQPR
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There is a saying "Health is Wealth". Education teaches us how to live properly in the society. Games and sports teach us how to become an important and useful person in the society. Games and sports are a necessary of education. We have to follow the rules of game to serve the society. They develop the spirit of discipline in everyone's life.

3. X1: India’s ancient seekers were not striving to reach God
P: that which was permanent among the ever evolving nature.
Q: Their quest was an analysis of existence and not necessarily for God.
R: In fact out of the six systems of Hindu philosophy five are technically Atheist.
S: but their approach was to fathom the underlining reality of existence,
X2: They are not talking about god the search is for the underlining truth that underpins our life.
The correct order of sentences would be:

  A.  SPQR
  B.  PSQR
  C.  SQPR
  D.  PSRQ
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India’s ancient seekers were not striving to reach God but their approach was to fathom the underlining reality of existence, that which was permanent among the ever evolving nature. Their quest was an analysis of existence and not necessarily for God. In fact out of the six systems of Hindu philosophy five are technically Atheist. They are not talking about god the search is for the underlining truth that underpins our life.

4. X1: Keep your nostrils moist by using saline drops.
P: There are many such eye drops available in the market.
Q: If your house has an air conditioner with a hepa filter(
R: If eyes are burning then lubricate them with artificial tears or triphala water.
S: People should use masks which are effective against particulate matter.
X2: then it would be able to reduce the pollution.
The correct order of sentences would be:

  A.  RPSQ
  B.  PRQS
  C.  SQRP
  D.  RPQS
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Keep your nostrils moist by using saline drops. If eyes are burning then lubricate them with artificial tears or triphala water.There are many such eye drops available in the market. People should use masks which are effective against particulate matter. If your house has an air conditioner with a hepa filter then it would be able to reduce the pollution.

5. X1: Visit California hosted the organizations first Sales Mission to India at Delhi and Mumbai.
P: It keeps California top of mind as a premier travel destination.
Q: Visit California is a nonprofit organisation with a mission to develop and maintain
R: marketing programs in partnership with the states travel industry.
S: The mission provides Visit California’s partners with an opportunity to strengthen existing partnerships
X2: and develop new relationships in the market.
The correct order of sentences would be:

  A.  PQRS
  B.  QRPS
  C.  SPQR
  D.  QSRP
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Visit California hosted the organizations first Sales Mission to India at Delhi and Mumbai. Visit California is a nonprofit organisation with a mission to develop and maintain marketing programs in partnership with the states travel industry. It keeps California top of mind as a premier travel destination. The mission provides Visit California’s partners with an opportunity to strengthen existing partnerships and develop new relationships in the market.

6. X1: Maharashtra is arguably at its most stunning view in the monsoons.
P: The city life is hard and often keeps us away from nature for months at a stretch.
Q: The state is blessed with rolling mountains and plentiful water bodies
R: with trees, natural water bodies, animals and flowers
S: It’s amazing how just a few days in the lap of nature
X2: can help a person feel refreshed.
The correct order of sentences would be:

  A.  PQRS
  B.  PQSR
  C.  SRPQ
  D.  QPSR
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Maharashtra is arguably at its most stunning view in the monsoons. The state is blessed with rolling mountains and plentiful water bodies. The city life is hard and often keeps us away from nature for months at a stretch. It’s amazing how just a few days in the lap of nature, with trees, natural water bodies, animals and flowers can help a person feel refreshed.

7. X1: Family-friendly resorts offer a variety of kids club programmes for children from 3 to 12 years.
P: Babies and toddlers are cared for by a nanny service.
Q: The jewel in the crown of Fiji’s kid clubs of course are the Fijian people
R: Most kid clubs run well into the evening and babysitting is also easily arranged.
S: The programmes are educational and mostly include marine based preservation projects.
X2: who adore children and love spending time with them.
The correct order of sentences would be:

  A.  SPRQ
  B.  PRSQ
  C.  RPQS
  D.  SRPQ
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Family-friendly resorts offer a variety of kids club programmes for children from 3 to 12 years. The programmes are educational and mostly include marine based preservation projects. Babies and toddlers are cared for by a nanny service. Most kid clubs run well into the evening and babysitting is also easily arranged. The jewel in the crown of Fiji’s kid clubs of course are the Fijian people who adore children and love spending time with them.

8. X1: The service given to the man is the service given to the God.
P: I am aimed at becoming an ideal teacher in my life.
Q: I also want to serve human beings throughout my life.
R: A mother gives birth to a child
S: A teacher is that who feels pleasure in teaching.
X2: and the teacher makes that child capable.
The correct order of sentences would be:

  A.  RSPQ
  B.  PQSR
  C.  QPSR
  D.  SQPR
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The service given to the man is the service given to the God. I also want to serve human beings throughout my life. I am aimed at becoming an ideal teacher in my life. A teacher is that who feels pleasure in teaching. A mother gives birth to a child and the teacher makes that child capable.

9. X1: It is hard to say whether television is a boon or curse to human beings.
P: It can be a curse if you watch bad programmes.
Q: There are so many types of programmes run on different channels.
R: It is up to you that what programme you like in it.
S: Some programmes are very educating and entertaining.
X2: It can be injurious to our eyes and mental health.
The correct order of sentences would be:

  A.  RQSP
  B.  QSRP
  C.  PQRS
  D.  SRQP
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It is hard to say whether television is a boon or curse to human beings. There are so many types of programmes run on different channels. Some programmes are very educating and entertaining. It is up to you that what programme you like in it. It can be a curse if you watch bad programmes. It can be injurious to our eyes and mental health.

10. X1: An 80 year old woman in filed a divorce case against her husband
P: When she got good at the sign language her husband complained of vision problems
Q: after she found out that he faked being deaf and dumb for 62 years.
R: Selena in her divorce papers told that her husband never spoke a single word since their marriage.
S: Selena added that that she had put 2 years into learning sign language to communicate with him.
X2: which she said he was faking.
The correct order of sentences would be:

  A.  RPSQ
  B.  QPRS
  C.  PRQS
  D.  QRSP
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An 80 year old woman in filed a divorce case against her husband after she found out that he faked being deaf and dumb for 62 years. Selena in her divorce papers told that her husband never spoke a single word since their marriage. Selena added that that she had put 2 years into learning sign language to communicate with him. When she got good at the sign language her husband complained of vision problems which she said he was faking.

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