1. Find the distance covered by a man walking for 10 minutes at a speed of 6km/hr.
  A.  2 km
  B.  3 km
  C.  1.5 km
  D.  1 km
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Speed =
Distance / Time

Here, Distance = ?, Speed = 6, Time = 10
Using these values in the formula, we get:
6 =
Distance / 10/60

6 =
Distance x 60 / 10

6 x 10 = D x 60
60 = 60D
D =
60 / 60
= 1 km

2. Find the time taken to cover a distance of 125 km by a train moving at a speed of 50 km/hr.
  A.  3 hours
  B.  2.5 hours
  C.  3 hours
  D.  None of the above
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Speed =
Distance / Time

Here, Distance = 125, Speed = 50
Using these values in the formula, we get:
50 =
125 / Time

Time =
125 / 50
= 2.5 hours

3. Express a speed of 18 km/hr in metres per second.
  A.  12 m/sec
  B.  5 m/sec
  C.  10 m/sec
  D.  8 m/sec
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Convert km/hr into m/sec
Speed = 18 x
5 / 18
= 5 m/sec

4. Express 10 m/sec in km/hr.
  A.  30 km/hr
  B.  40 km/hr
  C.  36 km/hr
  D.  34 km/hr
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Convert m/sec into km/hr
Speed = 10 x
18 / 5
= 36 km/hr

5. The distance of the sun from the earth is one-hundred-forty-three million four hundred thousand km and light travels fom the former to the latter in 7 minutes and fifty-eight seconds. Find the velocity of light per second.
  A.  300000 m/sec
  B.  300000 km/hr
  C.  3000000 km/hr
  D.  300000 km/sec
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Speed =
Distance / Time

Here, distance between the sun and the earth = 143400000 km
Time = 7 x 60 + 58 = 478 seconds
∴ speed =
143400000 / 478
= 300000
Hence, the speed is 300000 km/sec.

6. The wheel of an engine 4
2 / 7
metres in circumference makes seven revolutions in 4 seconds. Find the speed of the train in km per hour.
  A.  27 km/hr
  B.  30 km/hr
  C.  25 km/hr
  D.  35 km/hr
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distance travelled by the trin in 4 seconds = 7 x
30 / 7
= 30 metres
∴ speed of the train =
30 / 4
15 / 2
Converting m/sec into km/hr
15 / 2
18 / 5
= 27
Hence, the speed is 27 km/hr.

7. A train travels 92.4 km/hr. How many metres will it travel in 10 minutes?
  A.  1540 metres
  B.  15400 metres
  C.  154000 metres
  D.  15200 metres
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Speed = 92.4 x
5 / 18
77 / 3
Distance covered in (10 x 60)sec =
77 / 3
x 10 x 60 = 15400
Hence, the train travels 15400 metre.

8. A train covers a distance in 50 minutes if it runs at a speed of 48 km/hr on an average. The speed at which the train must run to reduce the time of journey to 40 minutes, will be
  A.  56 km/hr
  B.  70 km/hr
  C.  60 km/hr
  D.  62 km/hr
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Distance = speed x time 48 x
50 / 60
= 40 km.
Speed =
Distance / Time
40 x 60 / 40
= 60
Hence, the speed is 60 km/hr.

9. A train goes from a station A to another station B at a speed of 64 km/hr but returns to A at a slower speed. If its average speed for the trip is 56 km/hr, the return speed of the train is nearly.
  A.  45 km/hr
  B.  56 km/hr
  C.  55 km/hr
  D.  50 km/hr
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If a certin distance is covered at a km/hr and the same distance is covered at b km/hr then the average speed during the whole journey is
2ab / a + b
Here, a = 64, b = ?
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Average speed =
2 x 64 x b / 64 + b

56 =
2 x 64 x b / 64 + b

56(64 + b) = 2 x 64 x b
7(64 + b) = 16b
16b − 7b = 448
9b = 448
b =
448 / 9
= 49.777 or 50 (round off)
Hence, the return speed is 50 km/hr.

10. On a tour a man travels at the rate of 64 km an hour for the first 160 km, then travels the next 160 km at the rate of 80 km an hour. The average speed in km per hour for the first 320 km of the tour, is
  A.  71.11 km/hr
  B.  61.11 km/hr
  C.  81.11 km/hr
  D.  70 km/hr
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If a certin distance is covered at a km/hr and the same distance is covered at b km/hr then the average speed during the whole journey is
2ab / a + b
Here, a = 64, b = 80
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Average speed =
2 x 64 x 80 / 64 + 80

2 x 64 x 80 / 144

8 x 80 / 9
640 / 9
= 71.11
Hence, the average speed is 71.11 km/hr.

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