1. One who is not sure about God's existence .
  A.  Theist
  B.  Apostate
  C.  Agnostic
  D.  Atheist
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2. One who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession
  A.  Chauvinist
  B.  Amateur
  C.  Bohemian
  D.  Convalescent
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3. One who can use either hand with ease
  A.  Fanatic
  B.  Coquette
  C.  Cynic
  D.  Ambidextrous
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4. A person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute
  A.  Menagerie
  B.   Arbitrator
  C.  Heretic
  D.  Connoisseur
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5. One who feeds on human flesh
  A.  Cannibal
  B.  Immoral
  C.  Polyglot
  D.  Stoic
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6. A person who regards the whole world as his country
  A.  Uxorious
  B.  Misanthrope
  C.   Henpeck
  D.  Cosmopolitan
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7. One who is a centre of attraction
  A.  Alchemy
  B.  Cynosure
  C.  Florist
  D.  Drey
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8. A person having a sophisticated charm
  A.  Dilettante
  B.  Virtuoso
  C.  Debonair
  D.  Bale
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9. One hard to please (very selective in his habits)
  A.  Fastidious
  B.  Compere
  C.  Abattoir
  D.  Hangar
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10. A leader who sways his followers by his oratory
  A.  Virtuoso
  B.  Termagant
  C.  Epicure
  D.  Demagogue
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