1. A batsman scores 35, 45 and 37 runs in first, second and third innings respectively. Find the average runs in the three innings.
  A.   30 runs
  B.   40 runs
  C.   39 runs
  D.   37 runs
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Average runs =
35+45+37 / 3
= 39 runs

2. If a,b,c,d,e are five consecutive odd integers, then what is their average?
abcde / 5
a+b+c+d+e / 5
  C.   a+5
  D.  a+4
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Let five consecutive odd integers are a, a+2, a+4, a+6 and a+8 ∴ Average =
a+(a+2)+(a+4)+(a+6)+(a+8) / 5
= a+4

3. What was the average daily expenditure of a man in 2019 who spent Rs. 76,535 n the first half year and Rs. 88,165 in the last?
  A.  Rs. 451.23
  B.  None of these
  C.  452
  D.  351
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Average =
76535 + 88165 / 365
= 451.23 ∴ the average is Rs 451.23

4. The average marks obtained by 120 candidates in a cerain examination is 35. Find the total marks
  A.  3500
  B.  4200
  C.  4300
  D.  4000
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Shortcut: To find the sum, when the number of quantities and their average is given, then Sum of quantities = Average x Number of quantities. Here, average = 35 No. of candidates = 120 ∴ Sum of marks = 35 x 120 = 4200

5. The mean temperature from the 9th to the 16th of January, both days inclusive, was 11.6° C and from the 10th to the 17th it was 12.2° C. The temperature on the 9th was 10.8° C. What was it on the 17th?
  A.  15° C
  B.  17.6° C
  C.  15.6° C
  D.  25° C
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Total temperature from 9th to 16th of January = 8 x 11.6° C = 92.8° C Total temperature from 10th to 17th of January = 8 x 12.2° C = 97.6° C Now, according to the question, Temperature on 17th of January = 10.8 ° C + 97.6° C - 92.8° C = 15.6° C

6. The average of 6 numbers is 8. What is the 7th number so that average becmes 10?
  A.  30
  B.  20
  C.  25
  D.  22
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Let 7th number be x Sum of given 6 numbers = 6 x 8 = 48 ∴ Average of 7 numbers =
48 + x / 7
48 + x / 7
= 10 or, 48 + x = 70 or, x = 70 - 48 = 22 Hence, the 7th number is 22

7. The average of 50 numbers is 38. If two numbers namely, 45 and 55 are discarded, the average of remaining numbers is:
  A.  38.5
  B.  40
  C.  37.5
  D.  34
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Total of 50 numbers = 50 x 38 = 1900 Average of 48 numbers =
1900 - (45+55) / 48
1800 / 48
= 37.5

8. A cricketer scored 180 runs in the first test and 258 runs in the second test. How many runs should he score in the third test so that his average score in the three test would be 230 runs?
  A.  252
  B.  250
  C.  260
  D.  255
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Let the runs he should score in third test be y. Then,
180 + 258 + y / 3
= 230 ⇒ y = 252

9. The average salary of 20 workers in an office is Rs 1900 per month. If the manager's salary is added, the average becomes Rs 2000 per month. The manager's annual salary is:
  A.  Rs 47,000
  B.  Rs 48,000
  C.  Rs 50,000
  D.  Rs 45,000
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Total monthly salary of 21 personnels = Rs (21 x 2000) = Rs 42000 Total monthly salary of 20 personnels = Rs (20 x 1900) = Rs 38000 Monthly salary of the manager = Rs 4000 Annual salary of the manager = Rs 48000

10. In a coconut grove, (x+2) trees yield 60 nuts per year, x trees yield 120 nuts per year and (x-2) trees yield 180 nuts per year. If the average yield per year per tree be 100, then find the value of x.
  A.  12
  B.  8
  C.  16
  D.  4
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(y+2) x 60 + y x 120 + (y - 2) x 180 / y+2+y+y-2
= 100 ∴ y = 4

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