1. In the questions below the sentences have been given in Active/Passive voice. Find out the correct one:

I switch on the bulb at night. .
  A.  At night the bulb was switched on by me.
  B.  The bulb switched on at night by me.
  C.  The bulb is switched on by me at night.
  D.  At night I switched on the bulb.
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2. Does Seema write a story?
  A.  Is a story wrtten by Seema?
  B.  A story is being written by seema?Textile
  C.  Was a story written by Seema?
  D.  Had a story written by Seema?
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3. Is Sonu playing cricket?
  A.  Is cricket played by Sonu?
  B.  Did cricket play by Sonu?
  C.  Is Cricket being played by Sonu?
  D.  Was the cricket played by Sonu?
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4. Did she cook the food?
  A.  The food was cooked by her.
  B.  Was the food being cooked by her?
  C.  Had the food cooked by her?
  D.  Was the food cooked by her?
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5. Was Deepa teaching me English?
  A.  English was being taught by Deepa to me.
  B.  Was I being taught English by Deepa?
  C.  Was English being taught to me by Deepa?
  D.  By Deepa I was being taught English.
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6. Has she cooked the food?
  A.  Has the food been cooked by her?
  B.  Was the food being cooked by her?
  C.  Had the food been cooked by her?
  D.  Has the food being cooked by her?
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7. Why has she not bought this ticket?
  A.  Why this ticket have not been bought by her?
  B.  Why has this ticket not been bought by her?
  C.  Why had that ticket not been bought by her?
  D.   Why this ticket was not been bought by her?
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8. Why are yoe stealing the books?
  A.  Why are you stealing the book?
  B.  The books are being stolen by you, why?
  C.  Why the books are being stolen by you?
  D.  Why are the books being stolen by you?
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9. Who invited you in this party?
  A.  By whom are you being invited in this party?
  B.  You have been invited in this party by whom?
  C.  By whom are you invited in this party?
  D.  By whom have you been invited in this party?
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10. Whom has the police arrested?
  A.  Who has been arrested by police?
  B.  Who is being arrested by police?
  C.  Who was being arrested by police?
  D.  By police who had been arrested?
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