61. Boat is related to Oar in the same way as Bicycle is related to _________________.
  A.  Chain
  B.  Pedal
  C.  Road
  D.  Wheel
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62. Honey is related to Wax in the same way as Milk is related to _____________.
  A.  Cow
  B.  Leather
  C.  Eggs
  D.  Butter
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63. Much is related to Many in the same way as Measure is related to_____________.
  A.  Weigh
  B.  Measures
  C.  Calculate
  D.  Count
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64. England is related to Atlantic Ocean in the same way as Greenland is related to _______________.
  A.  Pacific Ocean
  B.  Atlantic Ocean
  C.  Arctic Ocean
  D.  Antarctic Ocean
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65. Chlorophyll is related to Chloroplast in the same way as Vulture is related to ____________.
  A.  Flesh
  B.  Permit
  C.  Air
  D.  Bird
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66. Clue is related to Mystery in the same way as Warning is related to ___________________.
  A.  Disaster
  B.  Precautionm
  C.  Risk
  D.  Danger
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67. Tapeworm is related to Taeniasis in the same way as Plasmodium is related to ___________________.
  A.  Malaria
  B.  Constipation
  C.  Diptheria
  D.  Diarrhoea
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68. Boat is related to Sails in the same way as Balloon is related to _______________.
  A.  Hot air
  B.  Rope
  C.  Nylon
  D.  Rubber
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69. In the following question two words each have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationsip as teh original pair of words.
Cat : Mouse
  A.  Horse : Stable
  B.  Trap : Cheese
  C.  Bird : Worm
  D.  Lion : Cage
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70. In the following question two words each have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationsip as teh original pair of words.
Fish : Shoal
  A.  Shark : School
  B.  Whale : Herd
  C.  Elephant : Flock
  D.  Audience : Theatre
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