81. In the budget figures of the Government of India, fiscal deficit is: (1) (2) (3)
  A.  total expenditure - total receipts
  B.  revenue expenditure - revenue receipts
  C.  capital expenditure - capital receipts + market borrowings
  D.  sum of budget deficit and Government's market borrrowings and liabilities
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82. Which State has the lowest per capita income in India ? (1) (3) (2)
  A.  Bihar
  B.  Rajasthan
  C.  Orissa
  D.  Gujarat
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83. Which authority decides about the States' share in central taxes? (1) (2) (3)
  A.  Finance Commission
  B.  Planning Commission
  C.  Election Commission
  D.  Finance Ministry
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84. In India, one-rupee coins and notes and subsidiary coins are issued by (1) (2) (3)
  A.  the Reserve Bank of India
  B.  the Central Govern-ment
  C.  the State Bank of India
  D.  the Unit Trust of India
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85. The tenth plan aims to reduce the poverty ratio by 2007 to
  A.  10%
  B.  30%
  C.  20%
  D.  5%
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86. The total number of nationalised banks in India are:
  A.  12
  B.  14
  C.  19
  D.  27
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87. In which plan was self-reliacne first emphasised
  A.  Second plan
  B.  Third Plan
  C.  Fourth Plan
  D.  Fifth Plan
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88. The famous slogan "GARIBI HATAO" (Remove Poverty) was launched during the
  A.  First Five Year Plan (1951-56)
  B.  Third Five Year Plan (1961-66)
  C.  Fourth Five Year Plan (1964-66)
  D.  Fifth Five Year Plan (1974-79)
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89. In the budget figures of the Government of India the difference between total expenditure and total receipts is called:
  A.  Fiscal deficit
  B.  Budget deficit
  C.  Revenue deficit
  D.  Current deficit
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90. India's biggest nationalised enterprise today
  A.  the Indian Railways
  B.  the Indian Commercial Banking System
  C.  the Indian Power Sector
  D.  the Indian Telecommunication System
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