11. The headquarter of BRICS is in:
  A.  Shanghai China
  B.  Shanghai China
  C.  Shanghai China
  D.  Shanghai China
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12. Where is the headquarter of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  A.  Gereva (Switzerland)
  B.  Gereva (Switzerland)
  C.  Gereva (Switzerland)
  D.  Gereva (Switzerland)
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13. The headquarter of SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Corporation) is located in:
  A.  Kathmandu (Nepal)
  B.  Kathmandu (Nepal)
  C.  Kathmandu (Nepal)
  D.  Kathmandu (Nepal)
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14. The headquarter of World Trade Organisation (WTO) is in:
  A.  Geneva (Switzerland)
  B.  Geneva (Switzerland)
  C.  Geneva (Switzerland)
  D.  Geneva (Switzerland)
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15. The headquarter of Assosiation of South-East Asian Nations(ASEAN) is in:
  A.  Jakarta (Indonesia)
  B.  Jakarta (Indonesia)
  C.  Jakarta (Indonesia)
  D.  Jakarta (Indonesia)
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16. The headquarter of GATT (General Agreement on Thriffs & Trade) and UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) is in:
  A.  Geneva
  B.  Geneva
  C.  Geneva
  D.  Geneva
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17. The headquarter of Amnesty International is located in:
  A.  London (England)
  B.  London (England)
  C.  London (England)
  D.  London (England)
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18. Headquarter of Asian Development Bank (ADB) is in:
  A.  Mandaluyong (Philippines)
  B.  Mandaluyong (Philippines)
  C.  Mandaluyong (Philippines)
  D.  Mandaluyong (Philippines)
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19. The headquarter of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is located in:
  A.  Vienna (Austria)
  B.  Vienna (Austria)
  C.  Vienna (Austria)
  D.  Vienna (Austria)
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20. The headquarterof International Olympic Committee (IOC) is located in:
  A.  Lausanne, Switzerland
  B.  Lausanne, Switzerland
  C.  Lausanne, Switzerland
  D.  Lausanne, Switzerland
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