Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it .

Manish Mehra is a young Delhi based pencil artist and a painter who through his works brings alive traditional fables and legends such as Arabian Nights and stories from Indian mythology.

 Manish who idealises SM Pandit and Raja Ravi Varma feels that traditional art forms and literature is one of the best ways to stay connected to our roots “I feel that our traditional literature and art is a great way to connect with our history. While the world is very appreciative of India’s art and architecture, Indians themselves have got too much engrossed in foreign art. We should not forget our roots; art connects us to your roots.

 He believes that works of art acts as a very good advertisement for our country creating much fascination and curiosity for our country “If Indian artists do something original especially something based on our traditions it would be a great advertisement for the nation this would get people interested in India’s traditions and the country itself.” Manish emphasises on the importance of sketching “Youngsters should sketch a lot that is crucial to laying a strong foundation even if you wish to go for modern or abstract art later on learn the basics well before trying to develop your style.”

 He rues the fact that most people do not recognise the stories on which his works are based “I wish people would recognise the stories on which my paintings are based. Forget about the paintings on the Arabian Nights, people don’t even recognise something from the Ramayana. Hardly anyone from the new generation knows about their own traditional litrature. I would consider it an achievement if someone after looking at my paintings gets interested in these stories and reads them.”

1. On what thing does Swami Satyanand Das, a well known Sanskrit scholar in Ancient Indian education system emphasize in this paragraph?

  A.  Bhagwat Gita
  B.  Purush and Prakriti
  C.  Human body
  D.  Matter and spirit
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2. What is the root cause of unhappiness of poeple in this world?
  A.  They don't know their purpose in the world
  B.  They are not getting proper job in company
  C.   They are not getting proper designation in company
  D.  They have lack of knowledge about job
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3. Why people do not know the way to enjoy their senses?
  A.  People focus on making money only
  B.  They don't do Dharm or Arth
  C.  They are not Brahmachari
  D.  They don't know how to control senses
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4. Why there is no peace at heart?
  A.  Modern science does not tell about it
  B.  We don't know how to make heart peaceful
  C.  We don't know ourself and how to control our restless mind
  D.  Our mind is restless
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5. Why western people are spending millions of dollar on research?
  A.  They are rediscovering science of our old tradition
  B.  They have lack of knowledge
  C.  They want to be happy
  D.  They want to control restless mind and know self
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It is correct sentence.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it .

“The monitor should be at least 20 inches from the eyes, after every 20 minutes of looking at the computer one should take a short break and look at something 20 feet away this relaxes the eyes and decreases fatigue and headache, during the break close the eyes and move the eyeballs in clockwise and anticlockwise direction doing this could help in avoiding Computer Vision Syndrome” says Dr Pankaj Ranjan, eye surgeon at the Department of Ophthalmology in the Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. Dr Ranjan describes Computer Vision Syndrome(CVS) and why it is a cause of concern “Computer Vision Syndrome(CVS), also known as digital eyestrain is a group of eye and vision related problems that results from prolonged computer, tablet, laptop, e-reader even by bigger display smart phones. Studies show that 60-90% of people suffer some problem or the other due to prolonged computer exposure. Those who use the computer more than two hours a day are at high risk”.

 He gives some more tips to avoid CVS related problems “The Monitor should be more than 25 inches from the eyes ideally the monitor should be 6 inches below the eye level, if level of the screen is high the eye remains wide open which causes faster drying of the eye moisture. Make a habit of frequent blinking as blinking restores moisture to the eyes”. He says that 60 million plus people are affected worldwide due to this and every year around 1 million people are added to the list. “In India around 20-25 million are suffering from this and the number is bound to rise in the future”. He describes it as a significant public health problem that involves huge economic costs as productivity of the employees decreases.It causes expenses to the company and employees, leads to stress and negatively affects the quality of life”.

 Dr Ranjan explains that the need to focus hard at the computer screen means that rate of blinking goes down which leads to eyes drying up “Due to constant focus and refocus eyes get strained and fatigued, the normal rate of blinking is 16-20/minute but while using computer it could be as low as 4-6/minute. Low blinking rate causes the eye tear film to evaporate as moisture is lost what results is ‘dry eyes”. For avoiding CVS he say not only precautions for eye health but also the office set up should be managed “We require a multidisciplinary approach, not only precautions for eye health but attention has to be given on properly designing the workplace. The setting chair should have an arm rest, suspended lights are a better option, also curtains should be drawn on the windows and one should avoid sitting in front of the AC. Computer setting also should be appropriate the monitor ought to be clean, brightness should be moderate the same goes for colour contrast. Background illumination also should be moderate” he said.

 Dr Ranjan highlights some of the faulty habits which aggravate the risk of Computer Vision Syndrome “Working for a long time without taking any break, not maintaining adequate distance from the computer, glare of the screen, having a faulty posture, the angle of the screen, illumination of the work place and not blinking the eyes adequately are the main risk factors”. He picks prolonged viewing from near distance as the most common cause for the problem and described why working on computers is tiring to the eyes “Characters on the computer screen are made of tiny dots called pixels, these are brightest at the center, towards the periphery the brightness diminishes. This is the reason why it is tougher to focus on a computer image while focusing on a printed image is easier”. The posture one has during working is very important as incorrect posture produces neck and shoulder pain. He said that people should not be shy of using Anti fatigue glasses as these significantly reduce glare and confirmed that artificial tears are best agents for restoring eye moisture.

6. What is important part of plasmas in this paragraph?
  A.  Plasmas are similar to gases with neutral atoms
  B.  Plasmas have static electrons and sound waves
  C.  Plasmas consist of ions and electrons and have waves and oscillations
  D.  Thermonuclear fusion is induced by plasma
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7. What can be created on heating of gases at high temperatures?
  A.  Electromagnetic waves
  B.  Relativistic plasmas
  C.  Non-thermal particles
  D.  Ions and electrons
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8. How does normal particle accelerators work at a radio frequency of the accelerated electrons?
  A.  Due to Electric fields at very high energies
  B.  By exchanging energy between laser and electrons
  C.  Due to longer beam line
  D.  By electromagnetic waves and sound waves
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9. Which of the following area where plasmas are not used?
  A.  Semiconductors and bulbs
  B.  textiles and food hygiene
  C.  destroying bacterial and cancer cells
  D.  Rockets tyres
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10. The most suitable title for the paragraph is:
  A.  Plasma a boon for human beings!
  B.  Plasma, a new technology of energy emission!
  C.  Plasma could be the New Crude!
  D.  Plasma uses and its effects!
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"until she would have spent" should be replaced by "until she had spent"

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