61. In a dice a, b, c and d are written on the adjacent faces, in a clockwise order and e and f at the top and bottom. When c is at the top then what will be at the bottom?

  A.  a
  B.  b
  C.  c
  D.  d
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Option (A) is the correct answer.

62. Two positions of a cubiod are given below. When the number 3 will be on the top side, then which number will be at the bottom?
  A.  4
  B.  6
  C.  5
  D.  1
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Option (C) is the correct answer.

63. Two positions of a cubiod are given below. If there are two dots at the bottom then how many dots will be there at the top of cubiod?

  A.  6
  B.  3
  C.  5
  D.  2
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Option (B) is the correct answer.

64. Two positions of a cubiod are given below.

If number six is at the bottom then which number will appear at the top?
  A.  2
  B.  4
  C.  1
  D.  5
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Option (D) is the correct answer.

65. The lateral sides of a block in the shape of a six-sided prism is painted in Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. Two of its positions are shown below:

When the block is laid as in the figure what are the colours adjacent to the Red side?

  A.  Yellow and Blue
  B.  Violet and Yellow
  C.  Yellow and Orange
  D.  Violet and Orange
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Option (D) is the correct answer.

66. A cylinder is painted in six colours Green, Blue, Yellow, Violet, Red and Orange. Two positions are shown below:

What is the colour in the empty space?
  A.  Yellow
  B.  Blue
  C.  Violet
  D.  Green
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Option (C) is the correct answer.

67. A cubical block with designs in the faces is presented as viewed from different directions. Find the design on the blank face?

  A.  (a)
  B.  (b)
  C.  (c)
  D.  (c)
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Option (B) is the correct answer.

In questions (68-71), Six dice with their upper faces erased are given as below:

The sum of the number of dots on the opposite faces is 7.

68. If the dice (1), (2), (3) have even number of dots on their bottom faces, then what would be the total number of dots on the top faces?
  A.  12
  B.  7
  C.  14
  D.  21
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Option (B) is the correct answer.

69. If the dice (1), (2), (3) have even number of dots on their bottom faces, and dice (4), (5) and (6) have odd number of dots on their top faces then what would be the difference in the total number of top face dots between these two sets?
  A.  3
  B.  1
  C.  2
  D.  0
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Option (C) is the correct answer.

70. If odd umbered dice have odd number of dots on their bottom faces what would be the total number of dots on the top faces of these dice?
  A.  10
  B.  4
  C.  6
  D.  12
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Option (D) is the correct answer.

71. If even numbered dice have even number of dots on their top faces what would be the total number of dots on the top faces of these dice?
  A.  18
  B.  10
  C.  14
  D.  12
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Option (A) is the correct answer.

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