11. Which one of the following was invented by Charles Babbage of Britain in 1834?
  A.  Printing press
  B.  Microphone
  C.  Gramophone
  D.  Computer
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12. Dynamite was invented by.
  A.  Albert Einstein
  B.  G. Marconi
  C.  Alfred Nobel
  D.  Richard Gatling
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13. Pendulum Clock was invented by.
  A.  Friese-Greene
  B.  C. Hugyens
  C.  H.W Seeley
  D.  A.L and J.L, Lumiere
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14. Richard Trevthick of England is known for invention of:
  A.  Locomotive
  B.  Transistor
  C.  Valve of radio
  D.  Nylon
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15. In 1895, AL and J.L. Lumiere of France invented:
  A.  Centrigrade scale
  B.  Balloon
  C.  Camera
  D.  Cinema
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16. Electric iron was invented in 1882 by:
  A.  W. Sturgeon
  B.  H. W. Seeley
  C.  Harry Brearley
  D.  Hans Lippershey
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17. Fountain Pen is an invention of:
  A.  Pascal
  B.  Samuel F. B Morse
  C.  L E Waterman
  D.  William Murdoch
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18. Television was invented in 1926 by:
  A.  John Logie Bared
  B.  J.J. Thomson
  C.  Thomas Alva Edison
  D.  Daniel Gabriel
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19. Who invented telephone in 1876:
  A.  T. A Edison
  B.  Alexander Graham Bell
  C.  Sir Ernest Swington
  D.  W. L. Judson
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20. Refrigerator was invented by:
  A.  Samuel Colt
  B.  G. Claude
  C.  J. Harrison and A. Catlin
  D.  Neil Bohr & Rutherford
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