21. Which one of the following was invented by C. Sholes of USA in 1868?
  A.  Watch
  B.  Zip fastener
  C.  Typewriter
  D.  Electromagnet
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22. Who invented Transistor in 1949:
  A.  Friese-Greene
  B.  H. W Seeley
  C.  J Whinfield and H. Dickson
  D.  Bardeen, Shockley
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23. Which one of the following was invented by A.L Breguet in 1791?
  A.  Watch
  B.  Film
  C.  Periodic table
  D.  Radium
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24. E.G Otis of USA invented _____________
  A.  Radio
  B.  Lift
  C.  Computer
  D.  Locomotive
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25. Peniciline is an important invention of:
  A.  Alexander Graham Bell
  B.  J. A. Fleming
  C.  Alexander Fleming
  D.  Michael Faraday
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26. Which one of the following invented microscope in 1590 ?
  A.  Z. Jansen
  B.  Charles Darwin
  C.  Daniel Gabriel
  D.  J Neepse
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27. In which year and country motorcycle was invented by Edward Butler?
  A.  1892, Germany
  B.  1937, England
  C.  1884, USA
  D.  1884, England
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28. Mobile phone was invented by:
  A.  W. Sturgeon
  B.  Martin Kooper
  C.  J. Froelich
  D.  W. L Judson
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29. Telegraph code was invented in 1876 by:
  A.  Sir Ernest Swington
  B.  J Whinfield
  C.  J Froelich
  D.  Samuel F. B. Morse
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30. Hans Lippershey of Netherlands is known for which of the following invention in 1608?
  A.  Telescope
  B.  Tank
  C.  Neutron
  D.  Neon-lamp
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