11. Statement: Ministers arrived at the public function in their cars..

Assumptions:   I.    All minerals are rich.
          II.  Ministers have cars.
          III.  Ministers came to the public function.

  A.  only II and III are implicit.
  B.  only I is implicit.
  C.  only I and II are implicit.
  D.  only III and I are implicit.
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12. Statement: One should not sleep under a tree.

Assumptions:   I.    The falling leaves may spoil our clothes.
          II.  Trees give out CO2 at night which is injurious to health.

  A.  only I is implicit.
  B.  only II is implicit.
  C.  Both I and II are implicit.
  D.  Neither I nor II is implicit.
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13. Statement: Imprisonment for 27 years made Nelson Mandela The President.

Assumptions:   I.    One who will be imprisoned for 27 years will become The President.
          II.  To become The President imprisonment is a qualification.

  A.  only I is implicit.
  B.  only II is implicit.
  C.  Both I & II are implicit.
  D.  Neither I nor II are implicit.
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14. Statement: If he is intelligent,he will pass the examination.

Assumptions:   I.    To pass ,he must be intelligent.
          II.  He will pass the examination.

  A.  only I is implicit.
  B.  only II is implicit.
  C.  Both I & II are implicit.
  D.  Both are not implicit.
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15. Statement: Population is the greatest pollutant.

Assumptions:   I.    Increased population is the greatest recource.
          II.  Illiterate mass leads to dirt and degradation.

  A.  only I is implicit.
  B.  Only II is implicit.
  C.  Both I and II are implicit.
  D.  Neither I nor II are implicit.
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16. Statement: Honesty and hard work lead to economic improvement of an individual.

Assumptions:   I.    There is a direct relation between honesty and economic improvement.
          II.  Hard work and honesty always pay dividends.

  A.  I is implicit.
  B.  II is implicit.
  C.  I and II are implicit.
  D.  I and II are not implicit.
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17. Statement: Only the good die young.

Assumptions:   I.    No good persons lives to old age.
          II.  Any one who lives to old age must be bad.

  A.  Only I follows
  B.  Only II follows
  C.  Both I and II follow
  D.  Neither I nor II follows
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18. Statement: Indian Decorator's a Company is committed to get your houses well decorated.

Assumptions:   I.    Only Indian Decorator's company can decorate houses.
          II.  Poeple desire to get their houses decorated by some good company.

  A.  only I is implicit.
  B.  only II is implicit.
  C.  Both I and II are implicit.
  D.  Neither I nor II is implicit.
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19. Statement: If people are intelligent the should be creative.

Assumptions:   I.    Creativity and intelliengce are related.
          II.  Creative people are intelligent.

  A.  Only I is valid.
  B.   only II is valid.
  C.  Both I and II are valid.
  D.  Both I and II are invalid.
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20. Statement: The new educational policy envisages major modifications in the education system.

Assumptions:   I.    Present educational system is inconsistent with national needs.
          II.  Present educational system needs changes.

  A.  Only assumption I is implicit.
  B.  Only assumption II is implicit
  C.  Neither assumption I nor assumption II is implicit.
  D.  Both assumptions I and II are implicit.
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