21. Statement: Child rearing is an art; young parents needs training in the child rearing practices.

Assumptions:   I.    Now a days young parents know nothing about child rearing.
          II.  Training will enable the young couples become better parents.

  A.  only I follows
  B.  only II follows
  C.  Neither I nor II follows
  D.  Both I and II follows
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22. Statement: Politicians become rich by the votes of the people.

Assumptions:   I.    Poeple vote to make politicians rich.
          II.  Politicians become rich by their virtue.

  A.  only I is implicit.
  B.  only II is implicit.
  C.  Both I and II are implicit.
  D.  Both I and II are not implicit.
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23. Statement: Theoretical education does not bring in economic advancement and it lends to a steady loss of confidence and money in the country.

Assumptions:   I.    There is close relationship between developement of confidence and economic development.
          II.  Theoretical education makes pricelss contribution for development of confidence.

  A.  only I is implicit.
  B.  only II is implicit.
  C.  Both I and II are implicit.
  D.  Both I and II are not implicit.
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24. Statement: The victims of the imbalance in the industrial development are the large number of literate and illiterate people who are economically weak.

Assumptions:   I.    Industrial development in India has taken place mainly on politicall considerations.
          II.  The tribals invariably get adversely afftected by industrial development.

  A.  only I is implicit.
  B.  only II is implicit.
  C.  Both I and II are implicit.
  D.  Neither I nor II is implicit.
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25. Statement: Religious minded and God fearing people will not cheat.

Assumptions:   I.    Those who cheat are atheists.
          II.  Religious nurtures virtues.

  A.  only I follows
  B.  Only II follows
  C.  Both I and II follow
  D.  Neither I nor II follow
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26. Statement: India is a multilingual country.Hindia is the national language of India.

Assumptions:   I.    All Indians should learn many languages.
          II.  To be Indian one needs to learn Hindi.

  A.  only I follow.
  B.  only II follow.
  C.  Neither I nor II follow
  D.  Both I and II follow.
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27. Statement: Laugh and the world will laugh with you.

Assumptions:   I.    People generally laugh.
          II.  Laughter brings happiness.

  A.  only I is implicit.
  B.  only II is implicit.
  C.  Both I and II are implicit.
  D.  Neither I nor II is implicit.
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28. Statement: Population exploision has led to deterioration of quality of life in India.

Assumptions:   I.    population and quality of life are interrelated.
          II.  Quality of life has no connection with population in India.

  A.  only II is implicit.
  B.  Both I and II are implicit.
  C.  only I is implicit.
  D.  Neither I nor II is implicit.
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29. Statement: Aggression is on the increase due to too much of violence portrayed through mass media.

Assumptions:   I.    T.V. has an impact on the viewer.
          II.  People are aggressive.

  A.  only I follow
  B.  only II follow
  C.  Both I and II follow
  D.  Both I and II do not follow
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30. Statement: Teachers who work towards excellence are eligible for the award

Assumptions:   I.    All teachers work hard.
          II.  only the excellent work is rewarded.

  A.  Assumption I is implicit.
  B.  Assumption II is implicit
  C.  Both I and II are implicit.
  D.  Neither I nor II are implicit.
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