111. Statement : I.All cities are towns II.Some cities are villages. Conclusions : I.All villages are towns. II No village is a town III.Some villages are towns Only conclusion III follows Only conclusion I follows Only conclusion II follows None of the these.
  A.  only I follows
  B.  only II follows
  C.  Both I & II follow
  D.  Neither I nor II follows
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112. Statement : I.Some birds are clouds II. Horse is a bird. Conclusions : I.Some clouds are birds. II.Horse is not a cloud. Conclusion I follows Conclusion II follows Either conclusion I or II follows Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
  A.  Both I & II follow
  B.  Only I follows
  C.  Neither I nor II follows
  D.  Only II follows
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113. Statements : All apples are bananas. All bananas are sweet. Conclusions : I.Some apples are sweet. II.Some bananas are apples. Conclusion I follows Conclusion II follows Either conclusion I or II follows. Both conclusion I and II follows.
  A.  He said he'd call me the next day.
  B.  He said he'd call me the next day.
  C.  He said he'd call me the next day.
  D.  He said he'd call me the next day.
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114. Statements : All metals are silver All silver are diamond. Some diamonds are gold. Some gold are marbles. Conclusions : I.Some gold are metals. II. All metals are diamond. III.Some silver are marble. IV.Some gold are silver. Only conclusion I follows Only conclusion II follows Only conclusion III follows Only conclusion IV follows.
  A.  Only I is valid
  B.  Only II is valid
  C.  Both are not valid
  D.  Both are valid
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115. Statements : Some ladies are beautiful. Some beautiful are honest. All honest are sensitives. Conclusion 1: Some sensitives are beautifuls. Conclusion 2:Some honest are ladies. Conclusion 3:Some sensitives are ladies. (1) None of the Conclusion follows (2)Only Conclusion 1 follows (3)Only Conclusions 1 and 2 follow. (4)All Conclusions follow.
  A.  Only conclusion I follows
  B.  Only conclusion II follows
  C.  Both conclusion I and II follow
  D.  Neither conclusion I nor II follow
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He told me the baby was sleeping.

116. Statements : Some years are decades. All centuries are decades. Conclusions : I.Some centuries are years. II.Some decades are years. III.No century is a year. Only conclusion II follows. Only conclusions I and II follow Only conclusions I and III follow Only conclusions I follows
  A.  She said she'd hurt her head.
  B.  She said she'd hurt her head.
  C.  She said she'd hurt her head.
  D.  She said she'd hurt her head.
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117. Statements : Some cats are dogs No dog is a toy. Conclusions : I.Some dogs are cats. II.Some toys are cats. III.Some cats are not toys. IV.All toys are cats Only conclusion I and III follow Only conclusions II and III follow Only conclusions I and II follow Only conclusion I follows
  A.  Only I follows
  B.  Only II follows
  C.  Both I and II follow
  D.  Neither I nor II follows
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118. Statement : Ankit is a singer All the singers are fat. Conclusions : I.Ankit is fat. II.All fat men are singers III.Fat men are not singers IV.Ankit is not fat. Only conclusion I follows. Only conclusion II follows. Only conclusion III follows. Only conclusion IV follows.
  A.  Only conclusion I follows
  B.  Only conclusion II follows
  C.  Both conclusions I & II follow
  D.  Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
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119. Statements : All pens are pencils No pencil is an eraser. Conclusions : I.No eraser is a pen. II. No pen is an eraser. Only conclusion I follows Only conclusion II follows Both conclusions I and II follow Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follow
  A.  Either II or III follow
  B.  Either II or IV follow
  C.  Only I follows
  D.  All conclusions follow
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120. Statements : Some scales are pencils Some erasers are pencils Conclusions : I.Some pencils are erasers II.Some pencils are scales. Only I follow Only II follow Both I and II follow Neither I nor II follows
  A.  Only I and III follow
  B.  Only II and III follow
  C.  Only I,III and IV follow
  D.  None follows
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