41. Statements: Some peons are poor.
      X is poor.

Conclusions: I. X is a peon.
       II. X has a large family.

  A.  only I follows
  B.  only II follows
  C.  Both I & II follow
  D.  Neither I nor II follows
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42. Statements: All university Professors have a doctrate degree.
       X is a lady professor.

Conclusions: I.X does not have a Doctrate degree.
       II.Only men Professors have a Doctrate degree.
  A.  Both I & II follow
  B.  Only I follows
  C.  Neither I nor II follows
  D.  Only II follows
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43. Statements: All basketball players are tall men.
       All basketball players are athelets.

Conclusions: I.All tall men are basketball players.
       II.All atheletes are basketball players.
  A.  I alone can be drawn
  B.  Both can be drawn
  C.  Both cannot be drawn
  D.  II alone can be drawn
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44. Statements: All philosophers are men.
       Socrates was a philosopher.

Conclusions: I.Socrates was a man
       II. Women cannot become philosophers.
  A.  Only I is valid
  B.  Only II is valid
  C.  Both are not valid
  D.  Both are valid
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45. Statements: Some doctors are teachers.
       All teachers are counsellors.

Conclusions: I.Some counsellors are not teachers.
       II.Some doctors are counsellors.
  A.  Only conclusion I follows
  B.  Only conclusion II follows
  C.  Both conclusion I and II follow
  D.  Neither conclusion I nor II follow
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He told me the baby was sleeping.

46. Statements: I.All students in my class are bright.
       II.Sarla is not bright.

  A.  Sarla must work hard
  B.  Sarla is not a student of my class.
  C.  Some students are not bright
  D.  None-bright ones are not students
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47. Statements: Some Indians are educated.
       Educated men prefer small families.

Conclusions:(I)All small families are educated
       (II)Some Indians prefer small families.
  A.  Only I follows
  B.  Only II follows
  C.  Both I and II follow
  D.  Neither I nor II follows
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48. Statements: All politicians are intelligent
       Some women are politicians

Conclusions: I.Some women are intellilgent
       II.All those intelligent are women
  A.  Only conclusion I follows
  B.  Only conclusion II follows
  C.  Both conclusions I & II follow
  D.  Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
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49. Statements: No cow is a chair
       All chairs are tables
Conclusions: I.Some tables are chairs.
       II.Some tables are cows.
       III.Some chairs are cows.
       IV.No table is a cow

  A.  Either II or III follow
  B.  Either II or IV follow
  C.  Only I follows
  D.  All conclusions follow
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50. Statements: Some cats are dog.
       Some dogs are stones.

Conclusions: I.No cat is stone
       II.All dogs are stones.
       III. Some stones are cats
       IV.No dog is cat

  A.  Only I and III follow
  B.  Only II and III follow
  C.  Only I,III and IV follow
  D.  None follows
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