31. If ROSE is coded as 6821,CHAIR is 73456 and PREACH is coded as 961473,then what will be the code of SEARCH ?

  A.  246173
  B.  214763
  C.  214673
  D.  216473
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32. If 'GIVE' is coded as 5137 and 'BAT' is coded as 924,how is 'GATE' coded?

  A.  5427
  B.  5724
  C.   2547
  D.  5247
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33. If LOSE is coded as 1357 and GAIN is coded as 2468,what do the figures 84615 stand for?
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34. If MEKLF is coded as 91782 and LLLJK as 88867,then how can IGHED be coded?

  A.  97854
  B.  53410
  C.  64521
  D.  75632
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35. If CAT is coded as 3120,what code number can be given to NAVIN?
  A.  14122914
  B.  49274654
  C.  73957614
  D.  None of the these
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36. If C= 3 and POLISH = 79,then POINTER =

  A.  97
  B.  96
  C.   95
  D.  98
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37. If MISTAKE is coded as 9765412, and NAKED is coded as 84123 how as INTIMATED coded as ?

  A.  89786145
  B.   79438163
  C.  78579452
  D.  78698365
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38. If F= 6 and JOY = 50, OBSERVE =?
  A.  66
  B.  86
  C.   76
  D.  96
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39. If in a certain code language 'NAME' is written as '4258' ,then what is the code for 'MEAN'?

  A.  2458
  B.   5842
  C.  8542
  D.  5824
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40. If T= 20,TEN = 39,then TIP =?

  A.  70
  B.   54
  C.  45
  D.  65
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