31. There are some turtles and parrots in a farm house. If heads are counted, there are 400 and if legs are counted, there are 1160. How many parrots are there in the farm house?
  A.  210 parrots
  B.  220 parrots
  C.  230 parrots
  D.  240 parrots
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32. A vessel contains a mixture of two liquids A and B in the ratio 4:1. When 20 litres of the mixture is taken out and 20 litres of liquid B is poured into the vessle, the ratio becomes 2:3. How many litres of liquid A was contained in the vessel?
  A.  Liquid A : 32 litres
  B.  Liquid A : 28 litres
  C.  Liquid A : 30 litres
  D.  Liquid A : 34 litres
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33. 675 litres of a mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 7:2. How much water is to be added to get a new mixture containing milk and water ite ratio 7:3?
  A.  70 litres
  B.  85 litres
  C.  80 litres
  D.  75 litres
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34. In three vessels each of 10 litres capacity, mixture of milk and water is filled. The ratios of milk and water are 1:2, 1:3, and 2:3 in the three respective vessels. If all the three vessels are emptied into a single large vessel, find the proportion of milk and water in the mixture.
  A.  49:169
  B.  51:144
  C.  59:121
  D.  81:100
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35. Four vessels of equal sizes contain mixture of milk and water. The concentration of milk in 4 vessels are 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% respectively. If all the four mixtures are mixed, find in the resultant mixture the ratio of milk to water.
  A.  2:1
  B.  1:1
  C.  1:2
  D.  1:3
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36. Two equal glassses filled with mixtures of alcohol and water ine proportions of 2:1 and 1:1 respectively were emptied into a third glass. What is the proportion of alcohol and water in the third glass?
  A.  5:7
  B.  3:5
  C.  7:5
  D.  7:3
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37. If 2 kg of metal of which
1 / 3
is zinc and the rest copper be mixed with 4 kg of metal of which
1 / 4
is zinc and the rest is copper, what is the ratio of zinc to copper in the mixture?
  A.  2:3
  B.  5:2
  C.  3:2
  D.  2:5
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38. Three glasses of sizes 1 litres, 2 litres and 3 litres contain mixture of spirit and water in the ratio 2:3, 3:7, and 4:11 respectively. The contents of all the three glasses are poured into single vessel. Find the ratio of spirit to water in the resultant mixture.
  A.  7:3
  B.  3:7
  C.  3:5
  D.  5:3
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39. A boy mixes 5 kg of milk at Rs 300 per kg with 6 kg at Rs 270 per kg. How many kg of water should be added to make the average value of the mixture Rs 240 per kg?
  A.  2 kg
  B.  1 kg
  C.  3 kg
  D.  4 kg
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40. In an alloy, zinc and copper are in the ratio 2:1. In the second alloy the same elements are in the ratio 3:2. In what6 ratio should tehese two alloys be mixed to form a new alloy in which the two elements are in ratio 8:5?
  A.  10:3
  B.  5:12
  C.  3:10
  D.  7:12
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