41. Some equations are solved on the basis of certain system.On the same basis find the correct answer for the unsolved equation. If 13*12 = 651 and 41*23 = 448,then 24*22 = ?
  A.  504
  B.  924
  C.  528
  D.  46
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42. A bus leaves Delhi with half the number of women as men.At Meerut,ten men get down and five women get in.Now there are equal number of men and women.How many passengers boarded the bus intially at Delhi?
  A.  45
  B.  36
  C.  15
  D.  30
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43. Find out the correct answer for the unsolved equation on the basis of the given equations. If 6*5 = 91 8*7 =169 10*7 = 211 then 11*10 = ?
  A.  845
  B.  993
  C.  678
  D.  331
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44. Some equations are based on the basis of a certain system.Using the same solve the unsolved equation. If 10-3 = 12,12-4 =13, 14-5 =14,what is 16-6 ?
  A.  10
  B.  16
  C.  15
  D.  18
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45. Some question are solved on the basis of a certain system.Identify that operation and find out the correct answer from the four responses given. a = 14(290)15 b=16(330)17 c = 18(?)19
  A.  300
  B.  270
  C.  170
  D.  370
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46. Some equations are solved on the basis of certain system.On the same basis find out the correct answer from amongst the four alternatives for the unsolved equation in the question. a = 12(390)8, b = 7 (134)5, c = 5(?)12
  A.  299
  B.  289
  C.  279
  D.  280
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47. A two member committee comprising of one male and one female member is to be constituted out of five males and three females.Amongst the females,Ms.A refuses to be a memeber of the committee in which Mr.B is taken as the member.In how many different ways can the committee be constituted?
  A.  11
  B.  12
  C.  13
  D.  14
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48. Some equations are solved on the basis of a certain system.Find the correct answer for the unsolved equations on that basis. If 324*289 = 35,441*484 =43,625*400 = 45,find the value of 256*729.
  A.  33
  B.  43
  C.  35
  D.  34
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49. Out of 100 families in the neighbourhood,50 have radios,75 have TVs and 25 have VCRs.Only 10 families have all three and each VCR owner also has a TV.If some families have radio only,how many have only TV?
  A.  35
  B.  30
  C.  40
  D.  45
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50. In a group of equal number of cows and herdsmen the number of legs was 28 less than four times the number of heads.The number of herdsmen was
  A.  7
  B.  28
  C.  14
  D.  21
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