61. The number 234000000 is equal to :
  A.  23.4 × 105
  B.  0.234 × 107
  C.  2.34 × 107
  D.  None of the above
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62. How many numbers are there between 15 to 160 which are divisible by 17 but not by 4?
  A.  5
  B.  2
  C.  6
  D.  4
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63. Which number gives the same result when added to 1
1 / 2
and when multiplied by 1
1 / 2
  A.  1
  B.  7
  C.  5
  D.  3
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64. If A,B,and C are there such numbers that A divides B and B divides C,then
  A.  A divides c
  B.  B divides A
  C.  C divides A
  D.  C divides B
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65. Which of the following numbers when added to 7, will be divisible by 11?
  A.  115
  B.  56
  C.   2006
  D.  3
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66. The square root and power places in the equation below require numers to be inserted. Underoot + 2 () = 17 Find out the correct set from the response given below :
  A.  9, 4
  B.  81, 3
  C.  1, 3
  D.  625, 3
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67. The shade of 18ft. high pole is 20 ft. Find out the length of shade of 27 ft. long pole
  A.  36ft.
  B.  40ft
  C.  34ft
  D.  30ft
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68. A book has 300 pages and each page has 20 lines of 10 words each.How many words are there in the book altogether?
  A.  6000
  B.  66000
  C.  60000
  D.  600000
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69. In a joint family,there are father,mother,four married sons and two unmarried daughters.Three sons have 2 daughters each and one has a son.How many female members are there in the family?
  A.  13
  B.  8
  C.  11
  D.  12
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70. There are twelve dozens of apples in a basket.Two dozens are added later.Ten apples got spoilt and are removed.The remaining are transferred equally into baskets.How many are there in each?
  A.  168
  B.  79
  C.  158
  D.  89
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