31. How many times will you write even numericals if you write all the number from 291 to 300?

  A.  13
  B.  11
  C.  15
  D.  17
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32. Find a number which,when multiplied by any number of the digits, the digits in the product gives the number when these are added.
  A.  8
  B.  9
  C.  6
  D.  7
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33. If you wrote down all the numbers from 1 − 100, how many times you write 3?
  A.  18
  B.  20
  C.  11
  D.  21
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34. The population of a city doubles every 7 years. If in 2009 population is 12483, by which year population increases by 49932?

  A.  2030
  B.  2023
  C.  2016
  D.  2037
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35. The last three digits of the binary equivalent of the number 85432578 is
  A.  001
  B.  010
  C.  110
  D.  100
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36. What is the least number to be substracted from 2486 to make it a perfect square ?

  A.  85
  B.  90
  C.  95
  D.  80
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37. If 876 = 12, 864 = 81, 895 = 22, then 824 = ?

  A.  14
  B.  64
  C.  48
  D.  41
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38. If 2 = 0, 3 = 3, 3 = 6, 5 = 9 then 7 = ?

  A.  18
  B.  15
  C.  12
  D.  16
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39. Some equation are solved on the basis of certain system.Find out the correct answer of the unsolved equation on that basis :
7 × 6 × 4 = 674
8 × 5 × 3 = 583
9 × 1 × 2 = ?

  A.  292
  B.  192
  C.  727
  D.  462
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40. Some equation are solved on the basis of certain system. Find out the correct answer of the unsolved equation on that basis:
41 − 27 + 34 = 201,
19 − 63 + 48 = 031,
51 − 35 + 63 = ?

  A.  941
  B.  914
  C.  79
  D.  149
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