41. If the sum of three consecutive numbers is 15, what is the square of the middle number?

  A.  25
  B.  16
  C.  36
  D.  9
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42. In a group of 50 students, 25 play Hockey, 30 play Football, and 8 play neither game. What is the number of students who play both Hockey and Football?
  A.  10
  B.  13
  C.  12
  D.  11
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43. Amar uses a Maruti Van and Anthony a Racing Car from Mumbai to Pune. Maruti Van has a speed of 120 km and the Racding Car of 210 km per hour. After driving for 12 minutes, what will be the difference of distance between of two ?
  A.  20 km
  B.  15 km
  C.  18 km
  D.  16 km
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44. If the speed of a train is 92.4 km/hr, then how many metres are covered by it in 20 minutes ?

  A.  38,200 m
  B.  32,800 m
  C.  30,800 m
  D.  38,000 m
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45. Ram and John start from a place 'A' walking at 4 km and 5
1 / 2
km per hour respectively. How many km will they be apart at the end of 3
1 / 2
hours; if they walk in opposite directions ?
  A.  33
1 / 4
  B.  33.5 km
  C.  33 km
  D.  33.01 km
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46. Two buses start at the same time from Delhi and Agra, which are 300 km apart, towards each other. After what time will they cross each other if their speeds are 38 km per hour and 37 km per hour?

  A.  6 hours
  B.  3 hours
  C.  5 hours
  D.  4 hours
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47. Joel and Tom were travelling from town X to town Y which was 210 km apart. Joel set off 1 hour 15 minutes later than Tom but arrived 15 minutes earlier. If the average speed of Tom was 42km/h. Find the average speed of Joel.

  A.  40 km/hr
  B.  50 km/hr
  C.  65 km/hr
  D.  70 kmhr
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48. A train starts from station A and reaches B 15 minutes late when it moves with 40 km/hr and 24 minutes late when it goes 30 km/hr.The distance between the two station is

  A.  18 km
  B.  16 km
  C.  24 km
  D.  21 km
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49. Specify the choice which gives the number that would replace the question mark :
√ ? / 27
= 4
  A.  108
  B.  11664
  C.  10664
  D.  1664
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50. The sum of a number and its reciprocal is
17 / 4
. Find the numbers.
  A.  2,
1 / 2
  B.  5,
1 / 5
  C.  3,
1 / 3
  D.  4,
1 / 4
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