21. What approximate value should come in the place of (?) in the following question?
12833 + 133% of 1655 −
7 / 5
of 3533 = ?
  A.  10500
  B.  11000
  C.  10000
  D.  12000
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22. What approximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following question?
9837+ 315 × 6 − 77 × 13 + 10% of 1500 = ?
  A.  11550
  B.  12850
  C.  11850
  D.  10850
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23. Find the value of the following equation:
12 × 13 + 105% of 933 + 879 ÷ 18 + 15
  A.  1200
  B.  1250
  C.  1100
  D.  1000
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24. Find the value of x in the following question:
34√x + (37.08)2 −476.78 = 2400
  A.  1860
  B.  1960
  C.  2060
  D.  1920
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25. Find the value of x:
12591 ÷ 39.8 + 933 ÷ 13 - 12.86 × 14.2 + 135 = x
  A.  240
  B.  310
  C.  420
  D.  340
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26. Solve the following equation:
33% of 1235 + 917 ÷ 12 − 129% of 765 + 682
  A.  180
  B.  280
  C.  170
  D.  120
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27. Find the value of x in the following equation:
119% of 1190 + 33% of 125 − 97% of 813 = x
  A.  775
  B.  625
  C.  675
  D.  875
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28. Find the value of x in the following equation:
1 / 4
% of 1379 + 7% of 320 − 23% of 490 = x
  A.  70
  B.  80
  C.  84
  D.  90
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29. Solve the following expression:
32% of 231 − 36.5% of 64 + 63 % of 128
  A.  120
  B.  140
  C.  110
  D.  130
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30. Solve the following expression:
(89.32)2 − 74% of 513 + 7379 − 918 × 1.8
  A.  13225
  B.  12325
  C.  13325
  D.  23325
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