(Questions 1 to 5) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it:
There are six persons A. B. C. D. E and F in a school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one compulsory subject and the other optional subject, Ds Sject was History while three others have it as compulsory subject. and nave Physics as one of their subjects, F's com pulsory subject is Mathematics which 18 an optional subject of both C and E. History and English are A's subjects but in s compulsory and optional subjects, they are just reverse of those of D's. Chemistry is an optional subject of only one of them. The only female teacher in the school has English as her compulsory subject.

1. What is C's compulsory subject?
  A.  History
  B.  Physics
  C.  Chemistry
  D.  English
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2. Who is a female member in the group ?
  A.  A
  B.  B
  C.  C
  D.  D
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3. Which of the following has same compulsory and optional subjects as those of F's ?
  A.  D
  B.  B
  C.  A
  D.  None of these
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4. Disregarding which is the compulsory and whch 1s the optional subject, who has the same two subject combination as F?
  A.  B
  B.  E
  C.  D
  D.  None of these
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5. Which of the following groups has history as the compulsory subiect? (6) B
  A.  A, C, D
  B.  B, C, D
  C.  C, D
  D.  A, B, C
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Directions (Questions 6 to 9) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follow:
(i) Jayant, Kamal, Namita, Asha and Tanmay are five members of a family.
(ii) They have their birth dates from January to May, each member in one of these months.
(iii) Each one likes one particular item for his /her birthday out of Bengali Sweets, Chocolates, Pastries, Ice Cream and Dry Fruits.
(iv) The one who likes Pastries is born in the month which is exactly middle in the months given.
(v) Asha does not like Ice cream but brings Chocolates for Jayant in February.
(vi) Tanmay who is fond of Bengali sweets is born in the next month inine after Namita.
(vii) Namita does not like Dry fruits or Ice cream.

6. What is the choice of Asha ?
  A.  Pastries
  B.  Bengali sweets
  C.  Dry fruits
  D.  None of these
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7. Which combination of month and item is true for Jayant ?
  A.  March- Pastries
  B.  February- Pastries
  C.  /febryart - Ice cream
  D.  None of these
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8. What is the choice of Kamal?
  A.  Ice cream
  B.  Bengali sweets
  C.  Dry fruits
  D.  None of these
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9. In which month was Kamal born?
  A.  January
  B.  May
  C.  January or May
  D.  None of these
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10. Six students A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in the field. A and B are from Delhi while the rest are from Bangalore. D and F are tall while others are short. A C and D are girsl while others are boys. Which is the tall girl from Bangalore?
  A.  C
  B.  D
  C.  E
  D.  F
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