Directions (Questions 20 to 24) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it:
(i) There is a family of six members A, B, C, D, E and F.
(ii) There are two married couples in the family and the family members represent three generations.
(iii) Each member has a distinct choice of a colour amongst green, yellow, black, red, white and pink.
(iv) No lady member likes either green or white.
(v) C, who likes black colour is the daughter-in-law of E.
(vi) B is brother of F and son of D and likes pink.
(vii) A is grandmother of F and F does not like red.
(viii) The husband has a choice of green colour, his wife likes yellow.

11. Which of the following is the colour preference of A ?
  A.  Red
  B.  Yellow
  C.  Either Red or Yellow
  D.  None of these
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12. How many male members are there in the family?
  A.  Two
  B.  Three
  C.  Four
  D.  None of these
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13. Which of the following statements is true about F?
  A.  Brother of B
  B.  Sister of B
  C.  Daughter of C
  D.  Either sister or brother of B
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14. Which of the following is the colour combination of one of the couples?
  A.  Red - Yellow
  B.  Yellow - Red
  C.  Green - Black
  D.  Yellow - Green
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15. Which of the folowing is one of the married couples?
  A.  AC
  B.  CD
  C.  DA
  D.  None of these
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Directions (Questions 6 to 9) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it:
Prashant Arora has three children- Sangeeta, Vimal and Ashish. Ashish married Monika, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy. The Roys married their youngest daughter to the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Sharma, and they had two children named Amit and Shashi. The Roys have two more children, Roshan and Vandana, both elder to Veena. Sameer and Ajay are sons of Ashish and Monika. Rashmi is the daughter of Amit.

6. What is the surname of Rashmi?
  A.  Sharma
  B.  Roy
  C.  Arora
  D.  None of these
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7. How is Sameer related to the father of Monika?
  A.  Grandson
  B.  Son
  C.  Cousin
  D.  Son-in-law
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8. What is the surname of Sameer?
  A.  Roy
  B.  Sharma
  C.  Arora
  D.  None of these
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9. How is Mrs. Roy related to Ashish?
  A.  Aunt
  B.  Mother-in-law
  C.  Mother
  D.  Sister-in-law
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10. How Shashi is related to Rashmi?
  A.  Aunt (Correct)
  B.  Mother
  C.  Sister
  D.  Grand Mother
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