Direction: From Question (24-28), A painter is given a task to paint a cubical box with six dfferent colours for different faces of the cube. The detailed account of it was given as :
(a)Red face should lie between Yellow and Brown faces.
(b) Green face should be adjacent to the Siluer face.
(c) Pink face should lie adjacent to the Green face.
(d) Yellow face should lie opposite to the Brown one.
(e) Brown face should face down.
(f) Silver and Pink faces should lie opposite to each other.

24. The face opposite to Red is:

  A.  Yellow
  B.  Silver
  C.  Pink
  D.  Green
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Option (D) is the correct answer.

25. The upper face is:

  A.  Red
  B.  Yellow
  C.  Pink
  D.  Silver
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Option (B) is the correct answer.

26. The faces adjacent to Green are:
  A.  Yellow, Pink, Red, Silver
  B.  Brown, Pink, Red, Silver
  C.  Pink, Silver, Yellow, Brown
  D.  Red, Silver, Yellow, Brown
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Option (C) is the correct answer.

27. The face opposite to Silver is:

  A.  Brown
  B.  Pink
  C.  Red
  D.  Green
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Option (B) is the correct answer.

28. Three of the faces adjacent to Red face are:
  A.  Silver, Brown, Pink
  B.  Silver, Green, Brown
  C.  Silver, Pink, Green
  D.  Yellow, Pink, Green
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Option (A) is the correct answer.

Directions: (From Questions 29-32), A cube is coloured red on all faces. It is cut into 64 smaller cubes of equal size. Now, answer the following questions based on this statement :
29. How many cubes have no face coloured ?
  A.  20
  B.  18
  C.  6
  D.  8
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Option (D) is the correct answer.

30. How many cubes are there which have only one face coloured?
  A.  5
  B.  24
  C.  18
  D.  28
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Option (B) is the correct answer.

31. How many cubes have two red opposite faces ?
  A.  0
  B.  8
  C.  4
  D.  5
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Option (A) is the correct answer.

32. How many cubes have three faces coloured ?
  A.  9
  B.  7
  C.  8
  D.  4
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Option (C) is the correct answer.

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