Directions : (From questions 63-67), A cube is coloured Brown on two opposite faces, Blue on two adjacent faces and Yellow on the two remaining faces. It is then cut into two halves along the plane parallel to the Red faces. One piece is then cut into four equal cubes and the other one into 32 equal cubes. Now answer the following questions based on the above statement.

63. How many cubes do not have any coloured face ?

  A.  0
  B.  4
  C.  2
  D.  6
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Option (B) is the correct answer.

64. How many cubes do not have any Brown face?

  A.  16
  B.  18
  C.  20
  D.  24
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Option (A) is the correct answer.

65. How many cubes have at least two coloured faces?
  A.  18
  B.  24
  C.  28
  D.  20
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Option (D) is the correct answer.

66. How many cubes have each a Yellow face with other faces blank?

  A.  6
  B.  2
  C.  4
  D.  8
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Option (C) is the correct answer.

67. How many cubes have at least one Blue face?
  A.  20
  B.  14
  C.  16
  D.  24
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Option (A) is the correct answer.

Directions : In questions 68, A cube is painted brown on two adjacent faces and on one opposite face, yellow on two opposite faces and green on the remaining face. It is then cut into 64 equal cubes.

68. How many cubes have only one brown coloured face?
  A.  24
  B.  18
  C.  16
  D.  12
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Option (D) is the correct answer.

Directions : Questions (69-72), Some equal cubes are arranged in the form of a solid block as shown in the figure given below. All the visible surfaces of the block (except the bottom) are then coloured.

69. How many cubes have no faces coloured?
  A.  32
  B.  27
  C.  36
  D.  40
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Option (B) is the correct answer.

70. How many cubes have only single face coloured?
  A.  47
  B.  57
  C.  59
  D.  62
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Option (B) is the correct answer.

71. How many cubes have only two faces coloured?
  A.  18
  B.  26
  C.  16
  D.  12
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Option (C) is the correct answer.

72. How many cubes have only three faces coloured?
  A.  16
  B.  12
  C.  18
  D.  20
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Option (A) is the correct answer.

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