121. The radius of a right circular cylinder is decreased by 10% but its height is increased by 15%. What is the percentage change in its volume?
  A.  Increase in volume 8.85%
  B.  Decrease in volume 6.85%
  C.  Decrease in volume 8.85%
  D.  Increase in volume 6.85%
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If the radius of a right circular cylinder is changed by a% and height is changed by b%, then volume changes by
2a + b +
a2 + 2ab / 100
a2b / 1002
1: This theorem also holds good for right-circular cones.
2: We have used the word 'change' in place of increase or decrease. By this we conclude that if there is increase use +ve value and if there is decrease then use −ve value. If we get the answer +ve or −ve then there is respectively increase or decrease.

Here, a = −10 [− sign represents decrease],
b = 15
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Change in volume =
2(−10) + 15 +
(−10)2 + 2(−10)(15) / 100
(−10)2b / 1002
−20 + 15 +
100 −300 / 100
10 x 10 x 15 / 100 x 100
−5 +
−200 / 100
15 / 100
= [−5 −2 + 0.15]percent
= [−7 + 0.15]% = −6.85%
Hence, the volume will decrease by 6.85%.

122. Each of the radius and the height of a right circular cylinder is both increased by 10%. Find the percentage by which the volume increases.
  A.  28.1%
  B.  35.1%
  C.  33.1%
  D.  23.1%
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If the height and radius of a right circular cylinder both changes by a%, then volume changes by
3a +
3a2 / 100
a3 / 1002
1: This theorem also holds good for right-circular cones.
2: We have used the word 'change' in place of increase or decrease. By this we conclude that if there is increase use +ve value and if there is decrease then use −ve value. If we get the answer +ve or −ve then there is respectively increase or decrease.

Here, a = 10
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Change in volume =
3a +
3a2 / 100
a3 / 1002
3 x 10 +
3(10)2 / 100
(10)3 / 1002
30 +
3 x 10 x 10 / 100
10 x 10 x 10 / 100 x 100
30 + 3 + 0.1
Hence, the volume will increase by 33.01%.

123. The radius and height of a cylinder are increased by 10% and 20% respectively. Find the per cent increase in its curved surface area.
  A.  42%
  B.  22%
  C.  34%
  D.  32%
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If the radius of a right circular cylinder changes by a% and its height is changed by b%, then curved surface area changes by
a + b +
ab / 100
1: This theorem also holds good for right-circular cones as you change height to slant height.
2: We have used the word 'change' in place of increase or decrease. By this we conclude that if there is increase use +ve value and if there is decrease then use −ve value. If we get the answer +ve or −ve then there is respectively increase or decrease.

Here, a = 10, b = 20
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Changes in curved surface area =
10 + 20 +
10 x 20 / 100
= [10 + 20 + 2] percent = 32%
Hence, the curved surface area will increase by 32%.

124. Each of the radius and the height of a cone is increased by 20%. Then find the per cent increase in volume.
  A.  72.8%
  B.  62.8%
  C.  82.8%
  D.  74.8%
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If the height and radius of a right circular cone both changes by a%, then volume changes by
3a +
3a2 / 100
a3 / 1002
1: This theorem also holds good for right-circular cylinders.
2: We have used the word 'change' in place of increase or decrease. By this we conclude that if there is increase use +ve value and if there is decrease then use −ve value. If we get the answer +ve or −ve then there is respectively increase or decrease.

Here, a = 20
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Change in volume =
3a +
3a2 / 100
a3 / 1002
3 x 20 +
3(20)2 / 100
(20)3 / 1002
60 +
3 x 20 x 20 / 100
20 x 20 x 20 / 100 x 100
60 + 12 + 0.8
Hence, the volume will increase by 72.8%.

125. Two cubes each of edge 10 cm are joined to form a single cuboid. What is the surface area of the new cuboid so formed?
  A.  1200 cm2
  B.  1400 cm2
  C.  1000 cm2
  D.  1600 cm2
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If two cubes each of edge 'z' metres are joined to form a single cuboid, then the surface area of the new cuboid so formed is given by 10(z)2 sq metres.
Here, z = 10
Using this values in the shortcut, we get:
Surface area of new cuboid = 10(z)2 = 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000 sq cm

126. A circular wire of radius 42 cm is cut and bent in the form of a rectangle whose sides are in the ratio of 6 : 5. Find the smaller side of the rectangle.
  A.  55 cm
  B.  60 cm
  C.  65 cm
  D.  50 cm
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If a circular wire of radius 'z' units is cut and bent in the form of a rectangle whose sides are int the ratio of m : n, then the sides of the rectangle are given by
m / m + n
units and
n / m + n
Here, z = 42, m = 6, n = 5
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Sides =
42 x
22 / 7
6 / 6 + 5

6 x 22
6 / 11
= 6 x 2 x 6 = 72 cm.
and other side =
42 x
22 / 7
5 / 6 + 5

6 x 22
5 / 11

= 6 x 2 x 5 = 60 cm
Hence, the smaller side is 60 cm.

127. A right circular cone is exactly fitted inside a cube in such a way that athe edges of teh base of the cone are touching the edges of one of the faces of the cube and the vertex is on the opposite face of the cube. If the volume of the cube is 343 cubic cm, what spproximately is the volume of the cone?
  A.  50 cubic cm
  B.  60 cubic cm
  C.  70 cubic cm
  D.  90 cubic cm
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A right circular cone is exactly fitted inside a cube in such a way that the edges of the base of the cone are touching the edges of one of the faces of the cube and the vertex is on the opposite face of the cube. If the volume of the cube is given, then the volume of the cone is given by
π / 12
x volume of the cube

Here, volume of cube = 343
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
Vol. of cone =
22 / 12 x 7
x 343

11 / 6
x 49
≈ 90
Hence, the volume of cone is 90 cubic cm.

128. The radii of two cylinders are in the ratio 2:3 and their heights are in the ratio 5:3.Calculate the ratio of their volumes and the ratio of their curved surfaces.
  A.  18 : 25 and 12 : 7
  B.  10 : 27 and 10 : 7
  C.  20 : 27 and 10 : 9
  D.  25 : 27 and 20 : 9
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Here, Let their radii be 2r, 3r and heights be 5h and 3h
V1 / V2
π(2r)2 x 5h / π(3r)2 x 3h
20 / 27
= 20 : 27
S1 / S2
2π x 2r x 5h / 2π x 3r x 3h
10 / 9
= 10 : 9

129. Sum of the length, width and depth of a cuboid is 's' and its diagonal is 'd'. Its surface area is:
  A.  s2 − d2
  B.  d2 + s2
  C.  d2 − s2
  D.  s2 + d2
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Here, l + b + h = s
√(l2 + b2 + h2) = d
Squaring both sides, we get:
(l2 + b2 + h2) = d2
(l + b + h)2 = s2
⇒ (l2 + b2 + h2) + 2(lb + bh + lh) = s2
⇒ d2 + 2(lb + bh + lh) = s2
⇒ 2(lb + bh + lh) = s2 − d2
∴ Surface area = s2 − d2
[Rule: The total surface area of a cuboid if the sum of all three sides and diagonal are given is
(Sum of all three sides)2 − (Diagonal)2]

130. A right circular cone is cut off at the middle of its height and parallel to base.Call smaller cone thus formed a and remaining partB.Then :
  A.  Both equal
  B.  Vol A < Vol B
  C.  Can't be determined
  D.  Vol B < Vol A
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Here, Let 'h' be the height of the cone and 'r' be the radius of its base.
Radius of base of A =
1 / 2
Height of A =
1 / 2
Volume of A =
1 / 3
π x
1 / 2
2 x
1 / 2
1 / 24
Volume of B =
1 / 3
πr2h −
1 / 24
7 / 24
Hence, we see that Volume of A < Volume of B

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