31. Find the greatest number which is such that when 76, 151 and 226 are divided by it, the remainders are all alike.
  A.  55
  B.  75
  C.  70
  D.  65
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To find the greatest number that will divide x, y and z leaving the same remainder in each case.
Required number = HCF of|(x-y)|, |(y-z)| and |(z-x)|
Here, x = 76, y = 151, z = 226
Using the shortcut, we get
|(x-y)| = |76 - 151| = 75 <
|(y-z)| = |151 - 226| = 75
|(z-x)| = |226 - 76| = 150
∴ The required greatest number = HCF of 75, 75 and 150 = 75

32. Find the greatest number of four digits which, when divided by 12, 15, 20 and 35 leaves no remainder.
  A.  9660
  B.  9680
  C.  9860
  D.  9650
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LCM of 12, 15, 20 and 35 = 420
The greatest 4 digit number = 9999
Now, divide 9999 by 420, we get 339 as remainder
Hence, Required number = 9999 - 339 = 9660

33. Find the greatest 4-digit number which, when divided by 12, 18, 21 and 28 leaves a remainder 3 in each case.
  A.  9961
  B.  9941
  C.  9991
  D.  9931
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LCM of 12, 18, 21 and 28 = 252
The greatest 4 digit number = 9999
Now, divide 9999 by 252, we get 117 as remainder
Hence, Required number = (9999 - 117) + 3 = 9931

34. Find the 4-digit smallest number which when divided by 12, 15, 20 and 35 leaves no remainder.
  A.  1300
  B.  1290
  C.  1260
  D.  1360
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LCM of 12, 15, 20 and 35 = 420
The 4-digit smallest number = 1000
Now, divide 1000 by 420, we get 160 as remainder
Hence, Required number = 1000 +(420 - 160) = 1260

35. Find the 4-digit smallest number which, when divided by 12, 18, 21 and 28 leaves a remainder 3 in each case.
  A.  1001
  B.  1011
  C.  1009
  D.  1013
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LCM of 12, 18, 21 and 28 = 252
The 4-digit smallest number = 1000
Now, divide 1000 by 252, we get 244 as remainder
Hence, Required number = 1000 +(252 - 244) + 3 = 1011

36. Find the least number which on being divided by 5, 6, 8, 9, 12 leaves in each case a remainder 1, but when divided by 13 leaves no remainder.

The same question may be asked as:

A gardener had a number of sapplings to plant in rows. At first he tried to plant 5 in each row, then 6, then 8, and then 9 and then 12 but had always 1 left. On trying 13 he had left none. What is the smallest number of sapplings that he could have had?
  A.  3701
  B.  3611
  C.  3601
  D.  3621
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The LCM of 5,6,8,9,12 = 360
The required number = 360Z+1 (Z is a positive number)
Divide 360, by 13, we get 27 (Quotient) and 9 (Remainder)
∴ 360Z+1 = (13 x 27 + 9)Z + 1
360Z + 1 = (13 x 27 x Z) + (9Z + 1)
Now, this number has to be divisible by 13. Whatever may be the value of Z the portion (13 x 27Z) is dalways divisible by 13. Hence we must choose that least value of Z which will make (9Z +1) divisible by 13. Putting Z equal to 1,2,4,5 etc in succession, we find that Z must be 10
∴ the required number = 360 x Z + 1 = 360 x 10 + 1 = 3601

37. There are 4 numbers. The HCF of each pair is 3 and the LCM of all the 4 numbers is 116. What is the product of 4 numbers?
  A.  3232
  B.  3141
  C.  3138
  D.  3132
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The product of 'n' numbers = (HCF of each pair) n-1 x (LCM of n numbers)
Using the shortcut, we get
The product of 4 numbers = (3)4-1 x 116
∴ The product of 4 numbers = (3)3 x 116 = 27 x 116 = 3132

38. The numbers 11284 and 7655, when divided by a certain number of three digits, leave the same remainder. Find the number and the remainder.
  A.  Number: 127, Remainder: 15
  B.  Number: 191, Remainder: 15
  C.  Number: 195, Remainder: 11
  D.  Number: 198, Remainder: 25
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39. In a school 391 boys and 323 girls have been divided into the largest possible equal classes, so that there are equal number of boys and girls in each class. What is the number of classes?
  A.  Boys' classes: 23, Girls' classes: 19
  B.  Boys' classes: 19, Girls' classes: 23
  C.  Boys' classes: 21, Girls' classes: 19
  D.  Boys' classes: 23, Girls' classes: 21
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40. Find the sum of three numbers which are prime to one another such that the product of the first two is 437 and that of the last two is 551.
  A.  81
  B.  75
  C.  71
  D.  69
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