21. At one’s wits end
  A.  To become over confident
  B.  To become helpless
  C.  A state when one does not know what to do
  D.  To end own virtue and think ill about others
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22. Hit the nail on the head
  A.  Do or say the exact thing
  B.  To harm other
  C.  To make a plan to destroy someone
  D.  To guide others in their bad deeds
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23. To play ducks and drakes
  A.  To do an unimportent task
  B.  To waste time
  C.  To fool others
  D.  To act foolishly or inconsistently
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24. With a high hand
  A.  To stay in a high spirit
  B.  To beocome kind and helpful
  C.  Oppressively
  D.  To commit mistakes willingly
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25. Play second fiddle
  A.  Take an unimportant part
  B.  To play tricks
  C.  To conspire against others
  D.  To use others and become selfish
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26. A bolt from the blue
  A.  To fell insulted
  B.  To cheat on other
  C.  Something unexpected
  D.  To take illegal benefit
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27. Once in a blue moon
  A.  To take risk
  B.  To fool others with fake stories
  C.  To make useless plan
  D.  Something that happens very rarely
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28. To be in the doldrums
  A.  To get trap in a problem
  B.  To be in low spirits
  C.  To come in a bad company
  D.  To get misfortune
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29. Fool’s paradise
  A.  False sense of happiness
  B.  To fool others
  C.  To do useless things
  D.  To waste time
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30. Bee-line
  A.  To maintain the order
  B.  To appear alike
  C.  The shortest distance between two places
  D.  To be in the que
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