51. To cut a sorry figure
  A.  To feel ashamed
  B.  To overlook poor people
  C.  To make a poor show
  D.  To admit own mistake
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52. An axe to grind
  A.  A personal interest in the matter
  B.  Targets to achieve
  C.  Problems to be solved
  D.  A matter of dispute
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53. Make a clean breast of it
  A.  To clear all debts
  B.  To solve all problems
  C.  To clear all doubts
  D.  To admit own mistake
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54. Feather one’s own nest
  A.  To become selfish person
  B.  To meet the targets
  C.  To make money unfairly
  D.  To fullfil own wishes
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55. Through thick and thin
  A.  Under all conditions
  B.  Under misfortune
  C.  Under unfavourable conditions
  D.  Under pressure
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56. Jump the bandwagon
  A.  To achieve success after extreme hardwork
  B.  To clear all doubts
  C.  To join a popular activity or trend
  D.  To overcome all problems
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57. A blue Stocking
  A.  A selfish and cunning women
  B.  A overconfident person
  C.  An ill mannered person
  D.  An educated or intellectual woman
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58. Barmecide feast
  A.  To do charity
  B.  Imaginary Benefits
  C.  To organise the things perfectly
  D.  To spoil a situation
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59. To assume airs
  A.  To affect superiority
  B.  Day dreaming
  C.  To make useless plans
  D.  To boast about own achievements
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60. Golden handshake
  A.  To commit a fraud with company for big amount of money
  B.  To join hands with affluent people
  C.  A big amount of money received by a person when he/she leaves a company or retires
  D.  To have undue advantage
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