31. Rs 1,200 amounts to Rs 1,632 in 4 years at a certain rate of simple interest. If the rate of interest is increased by 1%, it would amount to how much?
  A.  Rs 1730
  B.  Rs 1680
  C.  Rs 1700
  D.  Rs 1650
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At a certain rate of simple interest Rs Z amounted to Rs A in t1 years. If the rate of interest be increased by a%, then after t2 years the new interest is given by Rs
A − Z / t1
rZ / 100
Here, Z = 1200, A = 1632, r = 1, t1 = 4, t2 = 4
Using these values in shortcut, we get:
1632 − 1200 / 4
1 x 1200 / 100
432 / 4
+ 12
4 = (108 + 12) x 4 = 480
∴ New Amount = Rs (1200 + 480) = Rs 1680

32. The simple interest on a sum of money will be Rs 600 after 5 years. In the next 5 years principal is triple, what will be the total interest at the end of the 10th year?
  A.  Rs 2400
  B.  Rs 2280
  C.  Rs 2580
  D.  Rs 2100
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The simple interest on a sum of money will be Rs z after t years. If in the next 't' years principal becomes a times, then the total interest at the end of the '2t'th year is given by Rs [(a+1)z]
Here, z = 600, t1 = 5, t2 = 5, a = 3 (triple times)
Using these values in shortcut, we get:
= [(3 + 1)600] = 2400
∴ Required S.I = Rs 2400

33. The simple interest on a sum of money will be Rs 600 after 4 years. In the next 6 years principal becomes 4 times, what will be the total interest at the end of the 10th year?
  A.  Rs 3900
  B.  Rs 4410
  C.  Rs 4120
  D.  Rs 4200
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The simple interest on a sum of money will be Rs z after t1 year. If in the next t2 years principal becomes a times, then the total interestat the end of (t1 + t2)th years is given by Rs z
1 +
t2 / t1

Here, z = 600, t1 = 4, t2 = 6, a = 4
Using these values in shortcut, we get:
= 600
1 +
6 / 4
= 600[1 + 6] = 4200
∴ Total simple interest after 10 years = Rs 4200.

34. A sum of Rs 7800 is lent out in two parts in such a way that the interest on one part at 10% for 5 years is equal to that on another part at 9% for 6 years. Find the two sums.
  A.  First part: Rs 1650; Second part: Rs 6150
  B.  First part: Rs 1800; Second part: Rs 6200
  C.  First part: Rs 4050; Second part: Rs 3750
  D.  First part: Rs 5050; Second part: Rs 2750
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A sum of Rs Z is lent out in n parts in such a way that the interest on first part at r1% for t1 years, the interest on second part at r2% for t2 years the interest on third part at r3% for t3 years, and so on, are equal, the ratio in which the sum was divided in n parts is given by
1 / r1 x t1
1 / r2 x t2
1 / r3 x t3
1 / rn x tn

Here, Z = 7800, r1 = 10, t1 = 5, r2 = 9, t2 = 6
Using these values in shortcut, we get:
S1 : S2 =
1 / 10 x 5
1 / 9 x 6
1 / 50
1 / 54
= 54 : 50 = 27 : 25
∴ First part =
27 / 52
x 7800 = Rs 4050
Second part = 7800 − 4050 = Rs 3750

35. An amount of money becomes four times at the simple interest rate of 5% per annum. At what rate per cent will it become ten times?
  A.  20%
  B.  15%
  C.  22%
  D.  25%
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if a sum of money becomes 'a' times at the simple interest rate of r% per annum, then it will become 'b' times at the simple interest rate of
b − 1 / a − 1
x r]%
Here, a = 4, r = 5, b = 10
Using these values in shortcut, we get:
Required rate =
10 − 1 / 4 − 1
x 5
% =
9 / 3
x 5
% = 15%

36. A certain sum of money amounted to Rs 600 at 5% in a time in which Rs 750 amounted to Rs 870 at 4%. If the rate of interest is simple, find the sum.
  A.  Rs 530
  B.  Rs 480
  C.  Rs 500
  D.  Rs 610
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A certain sum of money amounted to Rs Z1 at r1% in a time in which Rs Q amounted to Rs Z2 at r2%. If the rate of interest is simple, then the sum is given by Rs
Z1 / (1 − r1/r2) + {(Z2 x r1)/(Q x r2)}

Here, Z1 = 600, r1 = 5, Q = 750, Z2 = 870, r2 = 4
Using these values in shortcut, we get:
Required sum =
600 / (1 − 5/4) + {(870 x 5)/(750 x 4)}
600 / (− 1/4) + {(87)/15 x 4}
600 / (− 0.25 + 1.45
600 / 1.2
= 500
Hence, the sum is Rs 500.

37. A sum of money amounts to Rs 2600 in 6 years at 5% per annum. In how many years will it amount to Rs 4000 at the same rate?
  A.  25 years
  B.  15 years
  C.  10 years
  D.  20 years
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A certain sum of money amounts to Rs Z1 in t years at r% per annum, then the time in which it will amount to Rs Z2 at the same rate of interest is given by
Z2 / Z1
t +
100 / r
100 / r
Here, Z1 = 2600, t = 6, r = 5, t2 = ?, Z2 = 4000
Using these values in shortcut, we get:
Required time =
4000 / 2600
6 +
100 / 5
100 / 5
20 / 13
(6 + 20) − 20
20 / 13
26 − 20
= 40 − 20 = 20
Hence, the time will be 20 years.

38. Ajit invests an amount of Rs 15,000 in the name of his three sons X, Y, and Z in such a way that they get the same amount after 2, 3 and 4 years respectively. If the rate of simple interest is 5% then find the ratio in which the amount was invested for X, Y and Z.
  A.  253:264:276
  B.  276:264:253
  C.  264:276:253
  D.  270:261:249
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When different amounts mature to the same amount at simple rate of interest, the ratio of the amounts invested are in inverse ratio of (10 + time x rate). That is the ratio in which the amounts are invested is
1 / 100 + r1t1
1 / 100+ r2t2
1 / 100 + r3t3
............ :
1 / 100 + rntn

Here, t1 = 2, t2 = 3, t3 = 4, r1 = 5, r2 = 5, r3 = 5
Using these values in shortcut, we get:
Required ratio =
1 / 100 + 5 x 2
1 / 100 + 5 x 3
1 / 100 + 5 x 4
1 / 100 + 10
1 / 100 + 15
1 / 100 + 20
1 / 110
1 / 115
1 / 120
1 / 22
1 / 23
1 / 24
276 : 264 : 253 / 6072
= 276 : 264 : 253
Hence, the ratio will be 276 : 264 : 253.

39. A certain sum of money amounts to Rs 2600 in 6 years at 5% per annum, Find the sum.
  A.  Rs 2000
  B.  Rs 2500
  C.  Rs 1600
  D.  Rs 2200
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The direct relationship between the principal(P) and the amount (A) and is given by sum
100 x A / 100 + rt

Here, A = 2600, r = 5, t = 6
Using these values in shortcut, we get:
Required sum =
100 x 2600 / 100 + 5 x 6
100 x 2600 / 100 + 30
100 x 2600 / 130
= 100 x 20 = 2000
Hence, the sum is Rs 2000.

40. Ajit lent a certain sum of money at 5% simple interest and in 8 years the interest amounted to Rs 300 less than the sum lent. Find the sum lent.
  A.  Rs 475
  B.  Rs 510
  C.  Rs 500
  D.  Rs 630
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A person lent a certain sum of money at r% simple interest and in 't' years the interest amounted to Rs Z less than the sum lent, then the sum lent is given by Rs
100 x Z / 100 − rt

Here, Z = 300, r = 5, t = 8
Using these values in shortcut, we get:
Required sum =
100 x 300 / 100 − 5 x 8
100 x 300 / 100 − 40
100 x 300 / 60
= 100 x 5 = 500
Hence, the sum is Rs 500.

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