91. The cost of telephone calls in an industrial town is 30 paise per call for the first 100 calls, 25 paise per call for the next 100 calls, and 20 paise per call for calls exceeding 200. How many calls can one make for Rs 50?
  A.  140
  B.  180
  C.  120
  D.  190
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92. If (4)3 × (√2)8 = 2n, then n = ?
  A.  10
  B.  13
  C.  15
  D.  20
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93. If
8 / a
3 / a
− 10, then
a / 8
3 / a
= ?
85 / 16
95 / 18
92 / 15
95 / 16
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94. If 8700 ÷ a = 300 and 4500 ÷ b = 170, then (a − b) × (a + b)
  A.  102
  B.  122
  C.  112
  D.  110
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95. If
3 / 8
× m
1 / 9
n / 12
, then the value of (m,n) is,
  A.  (2, 4)
  B.  (1, 5)
  C.  (5, 1)
  D.  (3, 7)
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96. If 102y = 25, then what is the value of 10y?
  A.  2
  B.  10
  C.  5
  D.  25
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97. Simplify:
2 × (37)2
1 / 2
/ 2 × 37 − 1
  A.  27.5
  B.  47.5
  C.  35.5
  D.  37.5
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98. A boy on being asked to multiply
16 / 17
of a certain fraction made the mistake of dividing the fraction by
16 / 17
and so got an answer which exceeded the correct answer by
33 / 340
. Find the correct answer.
62 / 87
64 / 85
54 / 75
44 / 95
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99. A woman sells to the first customer half her stock and half an apple, to the second half her remaining stock and half an apple, and so also to a third, and to a fourth customer. She finds that she has now 15 apples left. How many had she at first?
  A.  255
  B.  225
  C.  355
  D.  265
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5 / 7
4 / 15
of a number is 8 more than
2 / 5
4 / 9
of the same number. What is half of that number?
  A.  115
  B.  135
  C.  105
  D.  125
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