11. While travelling in your car,certain persons stop you on the way asking you to take an injured child to the hospital.You would :

  A.  ask them to leave your way and then drive away.
  B.  ask them to first call the police
  C.  immediately take the child to hospital.
  D.  get out of the car and ask some other person to help them.
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12. While playing cricket in the school,suddenly when you hit the ball,it strikes your classmate on the frehead and blood starts oozing out. You would :
  A.  run away from the field
  B.  start fighting with the toy why he came in the way.
  C.  blame somebody else for the accident
  D.  take the boy to the first aid room.
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13. You are visiting a place for the first time and are travelling in a bus.Suddenly you realise that the driver is taking the bus to a lonely place with no right intentions.You would :
  A.  with the help of some other passengters,try to baffle the driver and take over the bus.
  B.  sit and wait to face the repercussions.
  C.  jump out of the running bus
  D.  console the worried passengers.
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14. You have gone to enjoy a Diwali Mela organised by a club.Suddenly you come across a lost child crying desperately.You would :

  A.  Neglect and walk away.
  B.  Ask the child to find his parents
  C.  Ask him to stop crying and wait patiently for his parents.
  D.  Contact with the club authorities and make an announcement for the parents.
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15. You have made some silly mistakes which have been pointed out to you.You will:
  A.  Laugh it away.
  B.  Get angry
  C.  Feel miserable
  D.  Feel thankful.
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16. You are moving across the reoad on a scooter when you observe that two boys on a bike snath a lad's gold chian and ride away.You would :

  A.  Consolle the woman
  B.  Chase the boys to catch hold of them
  C.  Infomr the police about the matter
  D.  Stand and see what hapopens next.
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17. On reaching the railway station,you find that the train you wanted to catch is just to start and there is hardly any time for purchasing the ticket. The best thing for you to do :

  A.  Rush to the train rather than miss it and inform the T.T.I. at the next stoppage about your inability to purchase the ticket
  B.  Rush to the train and perform your journey quitely
  C.  First purchase the ticket and tehn catch the train if it is there
  D.  Miss the train rather than take the risk of boarding the moving train.
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18. You are returning home from school.On the way,you find a sealed envelope in a steet,fully addressed with unused stamps on it.You would :

  A.  Leave it there as it was and walk away
  B.  Remove the stamps and destroy the envelope
  C.  Open the envelope,find out who has dropped it by mistake, and send it to him if possible
  D.  Post it at the nearest letter box.
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19. If in the examination hall, you find that the question paper is too tough to be answered satisfactorily by you, the best thing to do for you is to :

  A.  Tell the exminer that the questions are out of course
  B.  Provoke the candidates to walk out of the examination hall
  C.  Try to know something from your neighbour
  D.  Try to solve the question as much as you know with a cool head
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20. You are walking down the steet and suddely you see two hundred rupee notes on the pavement.What action will you take?

  A.  Pocket it yourself
  B.  Leave it where it is
  C.  Give the money to a begger
  D.  Deposit it in the nearest police station.
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