21. Your bathroom tap is leaking and is a constant source of irritating noise.You would :

  A.  sleep with pillows upon your ears.
  B.  put a bucket underneath
  C.  try to put up a corck upon the mouth of the tap
  D.  call a plumber to repair the tap.
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22. You find a lady's purse dropped on the road and on picking it up,find a thousand rupees inside.You would :
  A.  take the purse away.
  B.  take out the money and leave the purse there.
  C.  deposit at at the nearest police station.
  D.  stand there and wait for the owner.
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23. While sitting in a park,you observe that a smart young man comes to the place on a scooter,leaves it there and goes away with someone else on a motorbike.You would :
  A.  Chase the person.
  B.  inform the police at the nearby booth
  C.  call back the person
  D.  remain engaged in your enjoyment
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24. You are in a bus.The bus reaches your stop but still you have not purchased the ticket because of heavy rush. What will you do?

  A.  Jump out quikly to avoid embarrassment.
  B.  Call the conductor,give him the money and get the ticket.
  C.  Hand the money to someone sitting nearby to give it to the conductor.
  D.  Give the money to the driver.
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25. You find that the person whom you call your friend has been cheating you.What would you do?
  A.  Break relations with him.
  B.  Give him tit for tat.
  C.  Make him realise his mistake
  D.  Tell other friends about him.
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26. While travelling in a train,you observe some college students pulling the alarm chain simply to get down at their desired point.You would :

  A.  with the help of some passengers,check them from doing so.
  B.  let them pull the chain but check them from detraining.
  C.  inform the guard of the train as soon as it stops.
  D.  keep quiet and do nothing.
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27. You are alone in the house and thre is quite a danger of thieves around.Jut then ,you hear a knock at the door.You would:

  A.  Open the door to see who is there.
  B.  first peep out from the window to confirm whether you know the person.
  C.  not open the door
  D.  ask the serant to see who is there.
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28. You are living in a college hostel.The dal served to you in the mess has a lot of stones.What would you do?

  A.  Leave eating the dal altogether.
  B.  Bring the matter to the notice of mess incharge.
  C.  Speak to the cook about changing the dal.
  D.  Buy your own dal and cook it in your room.
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29. While travelling in a train,you notice a man from the coach behind yours all off the train.You would:

  A.  pull the alarm chain so taht the train may stop and the man may be helped.
  B.  shout at the falling man asking him to get up quickly and entrain.
  C.  jump off the train to assist the falling man
  D.  wait till the train stops at the next station and inform the railway authorities there.
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30. Type this question only

  A.  Pocket it yourself
  B.  Leave it where it is
  C.  Give the money to a begger
  D.  Deposit it in the nearest police station.
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