171. TEMPERATE 1. Tentative 2. Moderate 3. Extreme 4. Temporary Solution: 2 Temperate - moderate Tentative- experimental, a trial, uncertain
  A.  Effective
  B.  Voracious
  C.  Audacious
  D.  Impotent
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172. AVENGE 1.Punish 2.Cheer 3.Encourage 4.Comfort Solution: 1 Avenge - to take revenge/ vengeance
  A.  cease
  B.  continue
  C.  forget
  D.  halt
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173. Erudite 1. Fashionable 2. Strong 3. Learned 4. Illiterate Solution : 3 Erudite (adj)- scholarly, learned
  A.  Miniscule
  B.  Gigantic
  C.  Perilous
  D.  Magnificent
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174. PATHETIC 1. Curious 2. Insignificant 3. Dull 4. Pitiful Solution: 4 Pathetic(adj)- miserable, pitiful
  A.  Break
  B.  Broach
  C.  Brake
  D.  Flaunt
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175. INTREPID 1. Gallant 2. Cowardly 3. Insecure 4. Invisible Solution: 1 Intrepid- not fearful,gallant ,courageous
  A.  exalting
  B.  frustrating
  C.  saddening
  D.  exhausting
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176. CHRONIC 1.ordinary 2.persistent 3.common 4.temporary Solution: 2 Chronic-persistent,prolonged
  A.  Repentance
  B.  Misery
  C.  Patience
  D.  Admiration
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177. COGENT 1. convincing 2. weak 3. ineffective 4. pathetic Solution: 1 Cogent - reasonable and convincing Pathetic- sympathetic, compassionate
  A.  Humble
  B.  Arrogant
  C.  Trivial
  D.  Extravagant
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178. VITAL 1. Trivial 2. Insignificant 3. Needless 4. Essential Solution: 4 Vital - important, essential
  A.  Delicate
  B.  Mysterious
  C.  Disastrous
  D.  Tough
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179. PREVENT 1. Allow 2. Construct 3. Avert 4. Provoke Solution : 3 Prevent(v)- to stop,to avert
  A.  Disgraced
  B.  Depressed
  C.  Disgusted
  D.  Disliked
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180. Scintillating 1. Glittering 2. Flattering 3. Boring 4. Stinging EnglishKendra.com 63 EnglishKendra.com Solution : 1 Scintillating(adj)- sparkling,glittering
  A.  Reaction
  B.  Rearrangement
  C.  Recollection
  D.  Reminder
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