381. PAWN - a person used by others for their own purposes - DUPE
  A.  Effective
  B.  Voracious
  C.  Audacious
  D.  Impotent
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382. CRUSADE - a vigorous campaign for political, social, or religious change - CAPMPAIGN
  A.  cease
  B.  continue
  C.  forget
  D.  halt
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383. INNOCUOUS -not harmful or offensive ,Synonym- INOFFENSIVE
  A.  Miniscule
  B.  Gigantic
  C.  Perilous
  D.  Magnificent
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384. FETCH - go for and then bring back (someone or something) for someone - BRING
  A.  Break
  B.  Broach
  C.  Brake
  D.  Flaunt
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385. ADMONITION - a firm warning or reprimand - WARNING
  A.  exalting
  B.  frustrating
  C.  saddening
  D.  exhausting
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386. ASSESS - evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of - MEASURE
  A.  Repentance
  B.  Misery
  C.  Patience
  D.  Admiration
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387. SURMOUNT - overcome (a difficulty or obstacle) - OVERCOME
  A.  Humble
  B.  Arrogant
  C.  Trivial
  D.  Extravagant
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388. CONCURRENCE - the state of agreeing with someone or something - AGREEMENT
  A.  Delicate
  B.  Mysterious
  C.  Disastrous
  D.  Tough
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389. COLLATE - collect and combine ASSEMBLE
  A.  Disgraced
  B.  Depressed
  C.  Disgusted
  D.  Disliked
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390. VANISH - disappear suddenly and completely - DISAPPEAR
  A.  Reaction
  B.  Rearrangement
  C.  Recollection
  D.  Reminder
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