11. Find the true discount rekoning 4 per cent per annum simple interest of Rs 481.25 due in 2
1 / 2
years time.
  A.   41.75
  B.   43.75
  C.   42.50
  D.   43.20
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To find true discount when rate, amount/sum and time are given.
True Discount (TD) =
A x R x T / 100 + RT

where A = Amount, R = rate and T = time
Here, A = 481.25, R = 4, T = 2
1 / 2
5 / 2

Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
True Discount (TD) =
481.25 x 4 x 5/2 / 100 + (4 x 5/2)

481.25 x 10 / 100 + 10

4812.5 / 110
= 43.75
Hence, the true discount is Rs 43.75.
[Note: True discount can be found by first calculting present worth and then subtracting it form the sum or amount.]

12. If the true discount on a sum due 2 years hence at 5% per annum be Rs 75, then the sum due is:
  A.   825
  B.   810
  C.   830
  D.   840
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To find true discount when rate, amount/sum and time are given.
True Discount (TD) =
A x R x T / 100 + RT

where A = Amount, R = rate and T = time
Here, A = ?, R = 5, T = 2, T.D = 75
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
True Discount (TD) =
A x 5 x 2 / 100 + (5 x 2)

75 =
10 x A / 110

75 x 110 = 10 x A
A = 75 x 11 = 825
Hence, the amount is Rs 825.

13. Find the true discount on a bill for Rs 1270 due 7 months hence at 10% per annum.
  A.   75
  B.   80
  C.   60
  D.   70
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To find true discount when rate, amount/sum and time are given.
True Discount (TD) =
A x R x T / 100 + RT

where A = Amount, R = rate and T = time
Here, A = 1270, R = 10, T =
7 / 12

Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
True Discount (TD) =
1270 x 10 x 7/12 / 100 + (10 x 7/12)

1270 x 10 x 7/12 / 100 + 70/12

1270 x 10 x 7/12 / (1200 + 70)/12

1270 x 10 x 7 / 1270
= 70
Hence, the true discount is Rs 70.

14. The true discount on a bill due 9 months hence at 12% per annum is Rs 270. Find the present worth.
  A.   Rs. 2800
  B.   Rs. 2500
  C.   Rs. 3000
  D.   Rs. 3200
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To find Present Worth (PW), when True Discount (TD), rate (R) and time (T) are given.
Present Worth (PW) =
100 x T.D / R x T

Here, TD = 270, R = 12, T =
9 / 12

Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
PW =
100 x 270 / 12 x 9/12

100 x 270 / 9
= 3000
Hence, the present value is Rs 3000.

15. The true discount on a bill due 8 months hence at 12 % per annum is Rs 240.Find the amount of the bill and its present worth.
  A.   Rs 3100,Rs. 3340
  B.   Rs 3000,Rs. 3240
  C.   Rs 3500,Rs. 3440
  D.   Rs 3240,Rs. 3220
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To find Present Worth (PW), when True Discount (TD), rate (R) and time (T) are given.
Present Worth (PW) =
100 x T.D / R x T

Here, TD = 240, R = 12, T =
8 / 12

Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
PW =
100 x 240 / 12 x 8/12

100 x 240 / 8
= 3000
∴ The present value is Rs 3000.
Hence, Amount = PW + TD = 3000 + 240 = 3240

16. The interest on Rs. 750 for 2 years is equal to the true discount n Rs 810 for the same time and at the same rate. The rate per cent is :
  A.  2 %
  B.  6 %
  C.  4 %
  D.  5 %
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To find Present Worth (PW), when True Discount (TD), rate (R) and time (T) are given.
Present Worth (PW) =
100 x T.D / R x T

Here, We know that TD is SI on PW,
So, S.I = 810 − 750 = 60 on Rs 750 for 2 years.
PW = 750, R = ?, T = 2, SI = 60
R =
100 x 60 / 750 x 2

100 / 25
= 4

∴ The rate is 4%.

17. Goods were bought for Rs.600 and sold and the same day for Rs 650.25 at a credit of 9 months and still there was a gain of 2%. The rate per cent is:
  A.  7
2 / 5
  B.  8
5 / 3
  C.  5
3 / 8
  D.  8
1 / 3
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To find Present Worth (PW), when True Discount (TD), rate (R) and time (T) are given.
Present Worth (PW) =
100 x T.D / R x T

Here, S.P = 102% of 600 = 612
∴ PW of Rs 650.25 due 9 months hence is Rs 612
or, Rs 38.25 is SI on Rs 612 for 9 months.
PW = 612, R = ?, T =
9 / 12
, SI = 38.25
R =
100 x 38.25 / 612 x 9/12

3825 / 459
= 8
1 / 3

∴ The rate is 8
1 / 3

18. The true discount on a bill due 2 years hence at 5% per annum is Rs 15.Find the amount of the bill.
  A.   Rs 150
  B.   Rs 165
  C.   Rs 178
  D.   Rs 170
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To find Amount (A), when True Discount (TD), rate (R) and time (T) are given.
A = TD[1 +
100 / R x T
Here, TD = 15, R = 5, T = 2
A = 15[1 +
100 / 5 x 2
= 15[1 + 10] = 15 x 11 = 165

19. The true discount on a bill due 3
1 / 2
years hence at 3
1 / 2
% per annum is Rs 24.50. Find the amount of the bill.
  A.   Rs224.50
  B.   Rs226.50
  C.   Rs220.25
  D.   Rs225.50
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To find Amount (A), when True Discount (TD), rate (R) and time (T) are given.
A = TD[1 +
100 / R x T
Here, TD = 24.5, R =
7 / 2
, T =
7 / 2

A = 24.5[1 +
100 / 7/2 x 7/2
= 24.5[1 +
100 x 4 / 49
= 24.5[1 +
400 / 49
= 24.5 x
49 + 400 / 49

= 24.5 x
449 / 49
= 224.5
Hence, the amount on the bill is Rs 224.50.

20. Find the difference between simple interest and true discount on Rs 840 due 4 years hence at 5% per annum simple interest.
  A.   Rs 30
  B.   Rs 25
  C.   Rs 28
  D.   Rs 26
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To find the difference between simple interest (SI) and True Discount (TD), when amount (A), rate (R) and time (T) are given.
SI − TD =
A x (RT)2 / 100(100 + RT)
Here, A = 840, R = 5, T = 4
Using these values in the shortcut, we get:
SI − TD =
840 x (5 x 4)2 / 100(100 + 5x4)
840 x 20 x 20 / 100(100 + 20)
840 x 20 x 20 / 100 x 120
] = 28
Hence, the difference is Rs 28.

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