171. HASTE 1. Lose 2. Dash 3. Delay 4. Rush Solution : 3 Haste - hurry,rush
  A.  Colorful
  B.  Hidden
  C.  Reveal
  D.  Cheat
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172. Emerge 1. Disappear 2. Appear 3. Surface 4. Announce Solution : 1 Emerge - appear
  A.  Unimpressive
  B.  Useless
  C.  Problematic
  D.  Chaotic
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173. BROAD 1. Narrow 2. Wide 3. Long 4. Large Solution : 1
  A.  Trapped
  B.  Saint
  C.  Criminal
  D.  Innocent
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174. Sparse 1. Scanty 2. Abundant 3. Tranquil 4. Costly Solution : 2 Sparse (adj)- not dense; meager
  A.  Obsolete
  B.  Latest
  C.  Static
  D.  Useless
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175. IMMACULATE - perfectly clean, neat, or tidy - FLITHY
  A.  Frugal
  B.  Worthy
  C.  Normal
  D.  Open-handed
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176. Repulsive 1. Revolting 2. Attractive 3. Brilliant 4. Hideous Solution : 2 Repulsive- not attractive
  A.  Cruel
  B.  Inferior
  C.  Awkward
  D.  Splendid
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177. JETTISON - throw or drop (something) from an aircraft or ship - ACCEPT
  A.  Soothing
  B.  Kind
  C.  Helpful
  D.  Friendly
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178. Native 1. Urban 2. Foreign 3. Rustic 4. Rural Solution : 2
  A.  Appartment
  B.  Mansion
  C.  Huts
  D.  Hostel
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179. ENIGMATIC - difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious - SIMPLE
  A.  Democracy
  B.  Oligarchy
  C.  Authoritarianism
  D.  Theocracy
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180. APOCRYPHAL - of doubtful authenticity(of a story or statement), although widely circulated as being true- AUTHENTIC
  A.  Insulting
  B.  Kind
  C.  Thanklessness
  D.  Hostile
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