381. VANITY - excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements - MODESTY
  A.  Colorful
  B.  Hidden
  C.  Reveal
  D.  Cheat
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382. BLOCK -make the movement or flow in (a passage, pipe, road, etc.) difficult or impossible. - CLEAR
  A.  Unimpressive
  B.  Useless
  C.  Problematic
  D.  Chaotic
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383. EXPLICIT -stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt - AMBIGUOUS
  A.  Trapped
  B.  Saint
  C.  Criminal
  D.  Innocent
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384. CHAOTIC - in a state of complete confusion and disorder - ORGANISED
  A.  Obsolete
  B.  Latest
  C.  Static
  D.  Useless
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385. COHERENT - logical and consistent - DISORGANIZED
  A.  Frugal
  B.  Worthy
  C.  Normal
  D.  Open-handed
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386. LIBERATION -the act of setting someone free from imprisonment, slavery, or oppression; release - BONDAGE
  A.  Cruel
  B.  Inferior
  C.  Awkward
  D.  Splendid
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387. COMRADE - a colleague or a fellow member of an organization - ENEMY
  A.  Soothing
  B.  Kind
  C.  Helpful
  D.  Friendly
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388. ALTRUISTIC - showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish - SELFISH
  A.  Appartment
  B.  Mansion
  C.  Huts
  D.  Hostel
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389. CROOKED - bent or twisted out of shape or out of place - STRAIGHT
  A.  Democracy
  B.  Oligarchy
  C.  Authoritarianism
  D.  Theocracy
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390. ADMIRATION - respect and warm approval - CONTEMPT
  A.  Insulting
  B.  Kind
  C.  Thanklessness
  D.  Hostile
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