81. LACKADAISICAL 1.indifferent 2.jocular 3.enthusiastic 4.lukewarm Solution: 3 Lackadaisical - showing no interest ,vigor; lazy Jocular- humorous
  A.  Colorful
  B.  Hidden
  C.  Reveal
  D.  Cheat
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82. PIQUANT 1. pungent 2. interesting 3. bland 4. peppery Solution: 3 Piquant - engaging, charming Pungent - a strong odor that stings the nose. Bland - to mix ,to blend Peppery - having the taste of pepper
  A.  Unimpressive
  B.  Useless
  C.  Problematic
  D.  Chaotic
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83. REPUGNANT 1. Odious 2. Pleasant 3. Austere 4. Sombre Solution : 2 Repugnant- arousing disgust or aversion; odious Sombre - gloomy,dismal Austere - simple,unadorned,lacking trivial decoration
  A.  Trapped
  B.  Saint
  C.  Criminal
  D.  Innocent
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84. AWARE 1. robust 2. impervious 3. resilient 4. ignorant Solution : 4
  A.  Obsolete
  B.  Latest
  C.  Static
  D.  Useless
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85. VICIOUS 1. Unfortunate 2. Virtuous 3. Baneful 4. Sinful Solution : 2 Vicious (adj)- violent,destructive, bad Virtuous (adj)- good,righteous
  A.  Frugal
  B.  Worthy
  C.  Normal
  D.  Open-handed
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86. NOTORIOUS 1.famous 2.vicious 3.infamous 4.disgraceful Solution: 1 Notorious- infamous Vicious- violent,destructive Disgraceful- shameful
  A.  Cruel
  B.  Inferior
  C.  Awkward
  D.  Splendid
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87. SACRED 1.perpetual 2.pious 3.profane 4.profound Solution: 3 Sacred - holy Profane - wicked,unholy Pious - holy Profound- very deep ,very serious
  A.  Soothing
  B.  Kind
  C.  Helpful
  D.  Friendly
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88. TRANSIENT 1.stationary 2.temporal 3.celestial 4.permanent Solution: 4 Transient- temporary ,temporal, momentary
  A.  Appartment
  B.  Mansion
  C.  Huts
  D.  Hostel
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89. SWERVE 1.droop 2.lurch 3.deviate 4.straighten Solution: 4 Swerve - to stray,to wander Droop - to hang downward Lurch - A sudden or unsteady movement
  A.  Democracy
  B.  Oligarchy
  C.  Authoritarianism
  D.  Theocracy
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90. SOBER 1.nervous 2.agitated 3.serious 4.calm Solution: 2
  A.  Insulting
  B.  Kind
  C.  Thanklessness
  D.  Hostile
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