21. A is D's brother.D is B's father.B and C are sisters.How is C related to A?
  A.  Cousin
  B.   Aunt
  C.  Niece
  D.  Nephew
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22. A is B's brother,C is A's mother,D is C's father, E is B's son.How is D related to E?
  A.  Grandson
  B.  Great Grandson
  C.  Grandfather
  D.  Great Grandfather
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23. X and Y are the children of A.A is the father of X but Y is not his son.How is Y related to A?
  A.  Daughter
  B.  Brother
  C.  Son
  D.  Sister
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24. A is B's brother,C is A's mother,D is C's father,E is B's son.How is E related to A?
  A.  Cousin
  B.  Nephew
  C.  Uncle
  D.  Grandson
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25. A and B are sisters.A is mother of D. B has a daughter C who is married to F.G is the husband of A.How is C related to D?
  A.  Sister-in-law
  B.  Niece
  C.  Aunt
  D.  Cousin
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26. R and S are brothers,X is the sister of Y and X is the mother of R.what is Y to S?
  A.  Uncle
  B.  Brother
  C.  Father
  D.  Mother
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27. A is the son of B,while B and C are sisters to one another.E is the mother of C.If D is the son of E,which of the following statement is correct ?
  A.  D is the cousin of A
  B.  E is the brother of B
  C.  D is the maternal uncle of A
  D.  B and D are brothers
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28. P is the father of T.T is the daughter of M.M is the daughter of K.What is P to K?
  A.  Father in law
  B.  Son-in-law
  C.  Brother
  D.  Father
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29. A and B are brothers. E is the daughter of F. F is the wife of B. what is the relation of E to A?
  A.  Sister
  B.  Daughter
  C.  Sister-in-law
  D.  Niece
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30. If A is the mother of D,B is not the son of C,C is the father of D,D is the sister of B,then how is A related to B?
  A.   Step son
  B.  Brother
  C.  Mother
  D.  Sister
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