81. Introducing a man, a woman said "His mother is the only daughter of my father".How is the man related to the woman?
  A.  Brother
  B.  Father
  C.  Son
  D.  Uncle
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82. Ramesh has brother Suresh.Ramesh is the son of Gopal.Govind is Gopal's father.How is Suresh related to Govind?
  A.  Son
  B.  Brother
  C.  Grandfather
  D.  Grandson
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83. Karan has a brother 'Prem' and a sister 'Neesha'. Karan's wife is 'Naj' and has a daughter 'Naksha'.Naksha got married with Neesha's son Akbar and has a baby girl 'Riya'.What is relation between 'Naksha' and 'Neesha".
  A.  Niece and Aunt
  B.  Sister
  C.  Mother and Daughter
  D.  Mother and Grand-daughter
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84. Introducing Reeta,Monica said,"She is the only daughter of my father's only daughter'.How is Monica related to Reeta?
  A.  Aunt
  B.  Mother
  C.  Cousin
  D.  Niece
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85. Introducing a boy,Ramma said,"His sister's father is the only grandson of my grandmother".How is Rama related to the body?
  A.  Sister
  B.  Aunt
  C.  Daughter
  D.  Mother
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86. A woman pointing to a man said,"He is the widower of my uncle's brother's daughter."How is the man related to the woman?
  A.  Brother-in-law
  B.  Brother
  C.  Uncle
  D.  Nephew
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87. Rajiv is the brother of Arun.Sonia is the sister of Sunil.Arun is the son of Sonia.How is Rajiv related to Sunil?
  A.  Brother
  B.  Son
  C.  Nephew
  D.  Father
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88. Pointing Rajesh in the photograph,Sunita said,'The only son of his mother is my father'.How is Sunita related to Rajesh?
  A.  Niece
  B.  Daughter
  C.  Mother
  D.  Aunt
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89. Introducing a lady, a lady said,"She is the only daughter of Mohan's grandfather who is my husband's father".How does the lady relate herself with the introduced lady?
  A.  Aunt
  B.  Mother
  C.  Mother-in-law
  D.  Sister-in-law
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90. Mithilesh said to Neha,'your only brother's son is my wife's brother'.How is Neha related to the wife of Mithilesh?
  A.  Sister
  B.  Mother-in-law
  C.  Aunt
  D.  Mother
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