71. Sunil is the son of Keshav.Simran,Keshav's sister,has a son Maruti and daughter Sita.Prem is the maternal uncle of Maruti.How is Sunil related to Maruti?
  A.  Nephew
  B.  Cousin
  C.  Uncle
  D.  Brother
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72. A man showed a boy next to him and said -"He is the son of my wife's sister-in-law,but I am the only child of my parents."How is my son related to him?
  A.  Nephew
  B.  Brother
  C.  Cousin
  D.  Uncle
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73. Arun said,"This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother".who is Arun to the girl?
  A.  Grandfather
  B.  Husband
  C.  Father
  D.  Father-in-law
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74. Pointing towards a boy Veena said,"He is the son of only son of my grandfather."How is that boy related to Veena ?
  A.  Brother
  B.  Uncle
  C.  Cousin
  D.  Nephew
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75. Introducing Asha to guests,Bhaskar said,"Her father is the only son of my father."How is Asha related to Bhaskar ?
  A.  Niece
  B.  Grand-daughter
  C.  Daughter
  D.  Mother
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76. Pointing to a man,a lady said,"His mother is the only daughter of my mother".How is the lady related to the man?
  A.  Daughter
  B.  Mother
  C.  Sister
  D.  Aunt
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77. Pointing to Vinod,Radha said,"His sister is my mother's only daughter".How is Radha related to Vinod?
  A.  Cousin
  B.  Daughter
  C.  Mother
  D.  Sister
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78. Pointing to a man in a photograph, a woman said,"His brother's father is the only son of my grandfather".How is the woman related to the man in the paragraph?
  A.  Daughter
  B.  Mother
  C.  Sister
  D.  Aunt
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79. Anjali says,"He is the only son of the father of my sister's brother".How is that person related to Anjali?
  A.  Brother
  B.  Cousin
  C.  Uncle
  D.  Father
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80. Looking at the portrait of a man,Ram said,"His mother is the wife of my father's son.Brothers and sisters I have none".Whoose portrait was Ram looking at?
  A.  His grandfather
  B.  His son
  C.  His brother
  D.  His cousin
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