Directions (Questions 21 to 25) : Study the information given below and answer the questions that follow:
(i) A, B, C, D, E and F are six students in a class.
(ii) B and C are shorter than F but heavier than A.
(iii) D is heavier than B and taller than C.
(iv) E is shorter than D but taller than F.
(v) F is heavier than D.
(vi) A is shorter than E but taller than F.

21. Who among them is the tallest?
  A.  B
  B.  D
  C.  A
  D.  E
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22. Who is third from the top when they are arranged in descending order of height?
  A.  B
  B.  A
  C.  E
  D.  C
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23. Which of the following groups of friends is shorter than A?
  A.  B, C only
  B.  D, B, C only
  C.  E, B, C only
  D.  F, B, C only
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24. Who among them is the lightest?
  A.  B
  B.  B or C
  C.  A
  D.  Data inadequate
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25. Which of the following statements is true for F as regards height and weight?
  A.  He is lighter than E and taller than E
  B.  He is heavier than B and taller than E
  C.  He is heavier than B and C but shorter than D
  D.  He is lighter than E and also shorter than E
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Directions (Questions 22 to 26) : Read the following information and answer the questions given below it:
(i) Seven students P, Q, R, S, T, U and V take a series of tests.
(i) No two students get similar marks.
(iii) V always scores more than P.
(iv) P always scores more than .
(v) Each time either R scores the highest and T gets the least, or alternatively S scores the highest and U or Q scores the least.

26. 22. If s is ranked sixth and Qis ranked fifth, which of the following can be true ?
  A.  V is ranked first or fourth
  B.  P is ranked second or fifth
  C.  T is ranked fourth or fifth
  D.  U is ranked third or fourth
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27. If R gets most, V should be ranked not lower than:
  A.  second
  B.  third
  C.  fourth
  D.  fifth
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28. If R is ranked second and Q is ranked fifth, which of the following must be true ?
  A.  S is ranked third
  B.  V is ranked fourth
  C.  T is ranked sixth
  D.  P is ranked sixth
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29. If S is ranked second, which of the following can be true ?
  A.  U gets more than V
  B.  P gets more than V.
  C.  P gets more than R
  D.  T gets more than Q.
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30. 26. If V is ranked fifth, which of the following must be true ?
  A.  U scores the least
  B.  S scores the highest
  C.  Q is ranked fourth.
  D.  R is ranked second.
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